10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LFM DPS/Healers - 1/8M

Its a good Monday

Tired Monday.

Bump time.

Get fated bro

Still looking for people for this messed up season

1 Like

11/11M, 8-year cutting edge guild, 9:30 PM to 1 AM Pacific Time tue/wed/thurs.


Bump /Why10charsgoditsdumbpleasestop

Bump! /stopmakingmedo10chars

Bumping time.

11/11M, 8-year cutting edge guild, 9:30 PM to 1 AM Pacific Time tue/wed/thurs.


Still looking for more

bump for friends

the forever kinda friend

Is that what you think we are?

Tonight went well.

Looking for more

still looking for more

You guys looking for priests of the healing variety? I’d love to chat with someone if you are - Wheeler#1847 (BNET).

Any chance you are looking for ele shamans? My discord is Vaerlyn#7750. I’m a returning player last mythic prog was during legion. Happy to provide logs.

Sent you a request on bnet

I don’t think we are looking for another Ele shaman atm