10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LF DPS/heals - 8/8M

Could use a Mage with a high attendance who wants to be in on all the fights!

Bump /10charsisdumb

Looking for Strong DPS to join us for next Raid!

Need Mage buff so I can feel sooper smart again.

Hunting for some DPS!

A Mage would be good.

Bump /10charsisstupidJFC

looking for all the dps who want to raid with good attendance

Its Mage time!

Bump /someoneslapIonandmakehimgetridof10chars

Looking for Mages and all those high dps players

Morning Recruiting!

Today is the day to join a new guild that’s winning!

I know it’s a lot but I have 2 warriors (I play whatever spec is doing better, the other one plays the same but is also plays prot) a ret pally/shammy and a warlock that all have previous ce experience my discord is Sinbad#9982 if you are interested
We also do mythic plus a lot and push 20+ keys every season

Boom, Mage Buffs incoming!

Still looking for all dps classes with good attendance! Mage top of that list

Read previous post

Still lookin’.

9:30 PM start time, Tue/Wed/Thurs

9-year Cutting Edge guild, open to all classes/specs

Mages, we need them! where are they

Bump /10chars