Bump /why10chars
still looking
Bump /10chars
Bump /whydoIhavetokeepdoingthis
still looking
Come for Tuesdays
Still looking
bump for people
im here once again asking for applicants
apply now to kill dragons
Intently interested, added all of the listed contacts, you can reach out to me here:
Discord: Cryptic#4317
Bnet: Cryptic#12581
Reach out to me here
Discord: Cryptic#4317
Bnet: Cryptic#12581
still looking for classes to save the dragons and crown Wrathion as King
Bumping time.
still looking for people to hang out with in the Green Dragon flight place
Come punch stuff with us.
We are good at punch stuff.
looking for ppl
Bump /10charsisdumb
still looking
Bump /10chars