10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LF DPS/heals - 8/8M

I’m sure we’re looking for something

to finish the xpac

Who wants to raid with us, lord of fun.

mid raid bump

Jailer is dead! Ignore the 9/11 we are 11/11 Weeooo!

Bump /10charsisstupidwhydotheymakemedothis

Its all dead and we want you to help protect the dragons

we did it, you can too

Apply now for fun

I only want to protect some of the dragons.

Not Wrathion. He’s a jerk.

Bump for people, come help us save the dragons…even Wrathion!!

Calling all evoker mains to help bolster our dragon saving and killing? forces

I’ll go Evoker for you Doam.

Wrathion best dragon

Him and his bromance.

Bump /10charsisdumb

Another bump!

Save me from healer jail?

You mean healer paradise!