10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LF DPS/heals - 8/8M

Fridays are for shaman and priests

Saturdays are also for shaman and priests.

Heck yes they are

Bored at work bump, looking for Healy people that have the best cooldown, Spirit Link Totem

Sent a request

Sundays are more fundays with requests from shaman and priests

Mondays are even worse with no priests or shaman

Mondays are far worse with Daddie around

They are even worse without one

4/8 Mythic,9:30 PM PST start time, room for:
Elemental Shaman
1 healer (any class except MW)

Come fight Gorgonzola with us!

earth and holy powers

New week!! Need some new Healy people

Bumping time

4/8 Mythic,9:30 PM PST start time, room for:
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
1 healer (any class except MW)

Need more priests!!!

WTB priests and shaman…getting sold demon hunters and monks

Bump /10chars

seriously any healer who can top 30k hps

4/8 Mythic,9:30 PM PST start time, room for:
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
1 healer (any class except MW)

Bumping time.