10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LF DPS/heals - 8/8M

bump for augmentation dreams

About 2 spots left for new friends

Still looking for them ppl

a bangin healer

bump for friends

Unsure what friends but we need um cause Iā€™m a fraud

Hi, was wondering if you had room for an Elemental Shaman?

Add someone and we can talk about it! Until then looking for a cracked out healer and high quality dps

bump for friends

Good start and more friends would make it better

Finished the week with AOTC & 3/9 Mythic. :partying_face:

Still hoping to find that good healer so Turtle can scratch the itch

Priests of all sorts

pumping sorts I mean

priests wru

more dpsssssss

Bump /10chars

still looking

Bumping time.