10 Good Reasons To Be A Solo Player!

This is beyond wrong. Hell is paradise compared to other people. :grin:


Sad thing is that while I know this post is largely in jest I also know people seriously want little to no interaction with other people in this game and it kind of saddens me.

Classic launch was thriving with social interaction, played with tons of different people and had a great time just playing the game. Still doable today too depending on server population. Even now on pvp servers there are some people well known for their shenanigans and are seen as KOS.

This I agree with.


This post is made in jest based on reality. I want the reader to laugh. But I really am a solo player that seriously wants little to no interaction with other people in this game lol


Not everyone plays the game “competitively”. What’s good for you may not be good for the next person.

They will be on whatever level they choose to play to.

You don’t speak for anyone but yourself.


Has nothing to do with actually being competitive on the scale of top ranks.
Think of it this way. You get a job on day to type in numbers into calculator off a paper. A year later, you are still typing numbers into the same calculator. You’ve spent a year doing same thing without trying to learn anything new? No ambitions? No desire to get better? No willingness to put bare minimum of effort to get better or more efficient and/or effective at what you’re doing? Progress further? “get a promion” that pays better. Same in WoW, the further you go, the more rewarding everything is. Sure, there are players who just want to pet battle all the way, but even they will get better at it as there is a natural progression built into that system.

I am yet to meet a single person IRL who sits in the bottom and says he is happy where he is. Just saying. And while it is so easy for you to make such silly arguments, I took time to explain the logic behind mine.

Not trying to convince anybody. Just stating something rather obvious. Do you want to keep repeating same Tetris level 1 over and over again? You will complete same level 100 times, same easy level. 1 shape every 10 seconds. Will you not want to advance further and get better?

And when it comes to group, simply because this is an MMO. Basically everything is built around group interaction. Sure, you can farm some transmog alone, do pet battles alone. Collect mounts? Quest thru zones over and over again. All these things are a filler in this game. Core content is M+/PvP/Raiding. Am I right or am I right?

The only reason I need to be solo. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean if the 10 th reason Mortis listed is “Hell is other ppl” , then unless you consider yourself Satan I do not think any good reason with overcome that unless you are Satan of course

My favorite argument against Solo oriented players; “If you play solo, you should play a solo game.” (Or some drivel to that effect). Fine, show me a game that’s got over ten continents worth of exploration and everything that entails, with various different plots and storylines that have been getting added to for the last 16 years (For better or worse), with the ability to create a character race and class that appeals to me, that I can dec out in whatever gear/appearance I want and can collect, all with challenges that I can complete on my own merit without having to deal with XXMonkeyLoveXX the obnoxious Demon Hunter, and I’ll gladly give it a look.

Someone recently made one of those “dumbest reasons to get kicked from a group” posts, and last I saw there were around 175 different reasons to play solo.


I like to play solo. But I like to do it in world where there are other people. No different than in the real world (pre- and hopefully post-pandemic) going to places that are bustling with people. It’s fun. And I don’t need to grab four of them to do some group thing for several hours, but I may help any of them with a quick task.

Not feeling pressured by your guild to do something at that very moment is a good reason for me. If you say you are too busy but are still on the game, they will know you are lying. So it forces you to log off for a while even if you just wanted to farm some ore or something.

I wish we could get an invisible mode where it doesn’t show us online, even if someone /who’s us.

There’s a reason i’m sitting in Stormwind alone drinking on Wyrmrest right now…hic!

subjective. Im learning to hate people more as I get older. The fewer idiots I have to deal with, the better, lol.


This is why I play WoW. I couldn’t care less about the social experience. I play it solo for the amount of content in it. There’s no single player game with this amount of content with even further content down the line. The “play a single player game” argument is weak at best and really just equates to “you don’t play the game the way I play the game and I don’t like that”.


Just speaking for me. If wow wants my sub they need to have a way for me to progress solo. Group play optional. Let all the others have their game modes. LET PLAYER REGENCY ACTUALLY WIN.

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I don’t feel like I am holding people up when I have to go AFK to do go do something for my mom (she is bed-ridden) and most get impatient (other than my real life boyfriend and friends).

You have totally misunderstood my point, and so you dismiss it as being “silly”.


Your logic is flawed. Some people (like myself) play a game for entertainment and relaxation, not to “compete” with other players IN ANY WAY.

That does not mean I won’t get better at playing the game. I will improve the skills I wish to improve without worrying about what others are doing because if I’m not “competing”, then relative skill is meaningless. I don’t have to “compete” with anyone to enjoy the game.

Obviously if I put time and effort into it, I will get better at the parts of the game that I do. I don’t need anyone else to accomplish this.

Will I be as good as others? Don’t know, don’t care. it’s a GAME, not a RL job. I do take my RL job seriously. A video game? …not so much.

Some folks enjoy those things, and do them extensively. Is that wrong somehow? Will you be like that other fellow who thinks that is “not playing the game”?

In my opinion, you are wrong. M+/PvP/Raiding is fine for some folks, but WoW caters to ALL play styles, even those who have no interest in any of that.

Your “core content” is not necessarily my “core content”.

Mortis is wise, listen to him.

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