10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

No thanks. Also, this isn’t Classic. Keep stuff like that in Classic.

I mean, maybe for you? To me it was always the worst part of the game honestly. I’ve only ever done it because I had to.

If it’s close to 7 hours, I’d consider making an alt lol

The real game is “End Game.” Everything before that is a simple tutorial that you want to get out of the way as soon as possible. Leveling isn’t about the journey in WOW and it hasn’t been since 2006. The goal is to get to max level so you can actually start building your character.

Now, if there were actual choices to be made during the leveling process then it could be part of the journey. However with the current character development, leveling is brain dead. Even “Talents” do not provide that much choice in anything because if you need to then you just change them on every encounter.

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I imagine this answer has been given already but I don’t have the time or energy to read through everything to confirm this.

The reason leveling is shorter these days is because the focus of the game is no longer on the leveling journey. Blizzard is devoting all of their resources to what is happening at max level. While vanilla, tbc, and others were focused on the journey and adventure to max level as much as it was focused on end game, current WoW is all end-game. Classes are no longer fun at low level and are not balanced properly, so getting players through the leveling process as fast as possible is beneficial for Blizzard’s current design structure.

I mean, there’s no iteration of WoW where leveling isn’t braindead.

Semantics. You can call a spade a spade… As someone that just returned to the game, the endgame content grinding looks and experiences an awful lot like leveling, except you’re max level and have no intrinsic reward via levels. The problem is most people have forgotten that and skulk around with Stockholm Syndrome.

Maybe . At least in the early days you had minor choices that were more difficult to change.

i’m not interested in grinding levels in old content i’ve leveled in multiple times

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Leveling was a big deal in vanilla where it made up a large portion of the games content. But as the expansions have flown by, it’s the end game that the vast majority of resources have been thrown at. It ties in with the whole borrowed power dynamic which essentially means only once you’ve reached max level does your real gameplay progression start. This was not the case in earlier expacs but it is the case now.

Therefore leveling has kinda become anachronistic. It’s mostly there now to give lip service to the past and act as a glorified class demo to get a feel for it. Something the trial character system has never properly achieved.

It took me 19 days, 21 hours and some odd minutes. I’ve got screenshots. I started playing just before Burning Crusade and hit 60 almost exactly a month before the release. Also, it was my birthday. :slight_smile:

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The faster the better.

The story used to carry it, and we stayed for gameplay.

I loved my SC, Diablo, and Orc vs Human stories up to Frozen Throne. Where is that writer? Can we have this person back?

So it took you 477 hours to hit 60? You want that?

Seriously, not even Pantheon is crazy enough to do something like that …their goal to 60 is around 250 hours and their whole shtick is that they are returning to old days of “hardcore” MMOs.

477 hours…at 50 hours a week played thats 10 weeks to hit max level…thats insane.

50-60 can take 8-10 hours.

Leveling felt like an eternity even with heirlooms to get 1-120… I can’t wait until pre-patch hits so I can level a few new characters.

That one way to remember a date that’s for sure :slightly_smiling_face:

Why not? :man_shrugging:

I’m sure it takes longer than 7 hours if you’re not DesMephisto.

I strongly disagree that leveling should be a slow grindy slog.

the game is 15 years old. most of us have leveled 20, 30 or more characters. we don’t need it to be a week long grind anymore.

people who want to finish out zones are free to do so. you can still do quests even if they don’t give xp.