10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

Personally I am glad that I don’t have to invest more than 24 hours of my life into leveling a character before I can even start doing the fun stuff.


Fastest time was about 2 hours 30 minutes, I think. 10-ish hours is a relatively good benchmark for an average player.

Is there a video anywhere for someone going all the way to level fifty is two hours and thirty minutes? And yeah if that’s the average for someone doing things quickly then ten hours would be a fair enough estimate for the average player.

MrGM did it in 2 hours 53 minutes. Google it if you’d like.

Wasn’t that one with something buggy though, like him in chromie time and a level 50 not in chromie time.

If I bring in friends and family to WoW - they’re not going to want to level the way it did back in Vanilla/TBC/Wrath.

They want to play the end-game with me, not run through out dated content that’s a joke.

The new leveling structure is nice because it’ll allow them to see the story of each expansion. That doesn’t need to take a long time.

The format also helps influence players to roll alts and take each of them through a different expansion.

This was pre nerfs correct?

I’d kinda like it to be that way, but WoW is not the same as it was during BC and WoTLK, where so much of the game was in the leveling. These days, most of the game is in endgame. Slowing down leveling only serves to make players not care to even get to endgame because of the absolute slog.

If things were the same as the old days I’d agree. But “Times Change.”

Wait, are you asking for leveling to take longer or be shorter? Nerf means to reduce, doesn’t it?

You can nerf leveling speed, making it longer.

Well judging by the mix of replies here, I don’t think anyone is sure what the OP is saying.

I’ve leveled enough characters already. The faster the better.

An abbreviated recap is possible, it’s better than nothing for a new player.

Pre-WoD, it was good. Post WoD- a $%!& show.

WoW is all about the endgame, not the leveling content. I am not sure why Blizzard bothers to do leveling content anymore. The vast majority hate to prospects of having to level 5 or 10 levels, hence why people this expansion have been selling Freehold runs to bypass the leveling content. Instead of taking the classes back to 50 and capping out at 60. Blizzard should have capped at 120 and did some sort of paragon leveling system for the various talents. The only reason I still do leveling content is for the reputation experience, otherwise, I would not bother with it at all.

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Because there is absolutely no benefit to leveling taking longer in this game.

Learning one’s class can be done by reviewing the spell book.

If a player wants to explore the game world, they don’t need quests to make them do that. In fact, it would be easier if they waited until they unlocked flying so they could just fly through zones if they felt like traveling to places they’ve never been to.

If a player wants to experience the WoW story, they can quest at max level and blast through the actual quests so they can experience more story than objective farming.

There is no other reason for leveling to be a focus in the game, and even then, the only existing reasons are arbitrary at best. There is nothing you do during leveling that you can’t do ten times better at max level. And that’s not to mention the content that is locked to max level.

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They’re making the focus of retail the end game, which is what it should be with the game design. The journey was a much bigger part of the game in classic, and that’s also available for anyone who wants it.

Retail is there for people who want more challenging end game content. And more of it in general.

I don’t understand how there is confusion in this… but I changed the OP to make it as clear as possible.

As for anyone (not you Pita) that thinks leveling should no longer be apart of the game… that is very sad. It was one of the best parts of the game for a very long time. Making the entire experience from 10-50 less than 1/3 a day, is pretty sad.

And that’s what I thought you were saying, but it seemed like some people thought you meant it’s too long, so it got me second guessing.

7 hours solo? or was this done with a dedicated group?
I can’t imagine the leveling dungeon queue times being all that fast, and they are usually pretty slow on live.
It will take most people much longer than 7 hours to hit 50, and then you still have 10 more levels to go!

But if what you really want is Classic leveling, I highly recommend playing Classic.