10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

I can choose to level the same way how it is currently?

I’ve been following beta testers on leveling through Chromie time too, and one thing I have noticed is that each person that has reported times like this are people that know the game very well and look to level fast. I have yet to see what the leveling experience feels like for a new player that doesn’t know anything and/or someone wants to explore the zones and take their time. When the prepatch launches, I’m going to create an alt and test as someone that wants explore the zones and npc’s like in true RPG fashion, just to see how long it takes

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that’s not possible, just think of how much lore you would have to shove down people’s throats. Just to understand afterlives you need to know, arthus, uther, garrosh, and ursoc. You can’t tie in all of this without making it overwhelming.

Yea, just don’t go into chromie time, you can level wherever. but you’ll run into the same problem you do now. You’ll do a zone or two and outlevel

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The thinking appears to be funneling alts into end game grinding.

Kind of goes with the anti multi role nature of covenants. Not optimal to tank dps and heal on toons that can, need to gear a tank, a dps, and a healer.

The other ongoing problem is creating a cohesive leveling experience for new players. Getting them past 100’s of different expansion specific systems and crafting grinds into the current content might do this.

But if you do chromie time you can stay as long as you want? I mean say 10 to 50 in wod, but be able to finish the whole zone? Not be kicked out?
I read on the forum here once you hit 50 you were kicked out and back to 1 shot enemies

Oh okay, you’re right lol. I read how it works now. You can on/off it from the looks of it. Thanks for response.

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Yea, you won’t get kicked anywhere.

leveling is boring easy and pointless in modern wow. All the content is at the endgame. No reason to make it slow.

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I hated vanilla and BC leveling being called a noob on a daily basis for not being in end game yet. I much prefer getting to end game quickly, as in BFA, and then still having access to do quests at max level.

The only drawback there is the character limit for altoholics. Not that I think they should change the leveling experience in SL, just tossing out that controversial topic to go along with things. lol

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The issue is from a new player view the story is wow makes no sense. Think about what happens to a new player as a forsaken. You go from garrosh and sylvanas talking about these death angels and how the lich king is dead.

Then you go back to fight the lich king at 60.

Whenever you ding 80 you abruptly leave and go fight some raging elementals and something about a killer dragon named deathwing.

Then WOD doesn’t make any sense at all to a new player.

legion is actually pretty easy to understand once you understand that the legion are demon invaders.

bfa makes a lot of sense due to its lack of needing to know old lore.

The lore is wow is great but its not told through leveling, Thats why chromie time helps this issue by allowing players to simply stay in one expac.

Source- myself I started playing wow in bfa and had to have a lot explained to me.


What I loved of WoW is the story, though.

In fact, what motivated me more to join wow, aside from the free Paladin hero (Liadrin) in Hearthstone if you got a toon to lvl 20 was reading the past lore of the Night Elves.

I think some would be here for the story. Despite how weird it is now.

7 hours is too much, should be 2hours


I never disputed anything about Chromie Time, though? Nor did I defend current leveling style. I’m confused. Did you mean to reply to someone else?

IDK I think it’s fine since you CAN choose to go slower.
This time is taken by a speedrun, an attempt to go as fast as possible and optimising EVERYTHING in your way…
Expect it to take longer for the normal folks.

Most of us(not everyone) has already leveled multiple characters, I have 30 at max level. It’s no longer about the journey for us like it was in the beginning it now all about the stuff we do at max level.

Game is like almost 20 years old, legacy content doesnt need to be slow.

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Yeah, very debatable. It really all comes down to your perspective of leveling and what all different systems you want to use to level.

For example only using questing to level some expansions you can’t even complete them all with “Chromie Time”.

Is that the average speed for the average leveler or someone whose trying to speed through things as quickly as possible.