10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

I look forward to the changes. It’s already fairly fast to level now especially with the extra boost to exp at the moment. My last character I leveled took just a little over 2 hours to go from 80-100 just grabbing treasures in Pandaria and bonus objectives in Warlords and most of that time was the intro to Warlords. Anything that actually allows the lore from previous expansions to come back to the forefront is an improvement to me.

exactly this!!! Instead of fixing the stupid unbalanced war mode bonus, they nerfed everyone , which is a real foot to the nuts for horde.

As far as leveling, this game is 15 years old, if you wanna level slow go play classic. Or take off your gear and play hard mode.
What he did was chromie time, dungeon party sync leveling, which didnt make any sense, he could have just skipped chromie time and party synced and played dungeons like normal leveled the same way with more options to do more dungeons. The chromie thing wasnt even required. 7 hours in a dungeon is boring but to each his own.

Old expansions are not relevant, you shouldnt be spending more then 4 hours to get to max level and start playing something relevant to the game.

Chromie time is okay for what it is, but it will never be another phase for easy mode farming, this is the reason people get booted out. Your not going to go farm old bosses in this phase, you literally will need raids to beat them just like it was during the expansion, so people need to quit whining about getting kicked out at level 50 because they prepped 50 alts for a new phase to farm with no competition from other players. Thats not what it was made for and blizzard made sure to protect it from that very thing.


If you only rush you will reach 1- 50 in 7 hours

I think the idea they have is if we get people to end game quicker everyone can play together. I can’t see why else they would speed it up this much.

I would love this. However, they make money off of boosts, so it won’t happen.


The average person isn’t going to level that quickly.

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I watched this so called Mr. GM video.

To put it in perspective, he used Party sync with 4 other people lvl 50 in Nyalotha gear to gain the 7 hour time advantage. Nothing to see here.

There’s only 10 levels in shadowland actually.

Also leveling is the most boring and least fun aspect of the game, getting it over with asap is far better.

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It was in dungeons.

Well they will most likely nerf that as well.

Like someone said earlier though, it was gamed, 4 people party sync’d in nya gear.

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Ah I knew he was a speed leveler, but wasn’t sure how. Though party synch seems to be a whole mess of problems atm with scaling. Not sure how that passed QA.

That normal and natural person wont bother with Party sync unless you get get enough people together to agree to waste there time for hours to lvl someone.

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I like leveling in this game but I only played 2-3 months. I dunno how I feel about “pick one expansion and stay here.” I’d like to level where I please if that’s the case so I don’t need make 8 characters or so to see every expansion - if that is how they’re doing it anyways. I’m not 100%.

The new generation of gamer will leave quickly if leveling takes as long as it previously did. Also wow is billed as endgame oriented, most people dont really find difficulty or enjoyment in slogging through hours of kill x, loot y, repeat over and over again.

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I’ve used it, it’s actually kind of nice.

Gives massive XP when doing like vanilla dungeons party sync’d on a 110, over BfA dungeons.

YOO this :100::100::100:

You don’t have to level through chromie time.

Leveling in classc and TBC sucked,I myself couldn’t wait till could spam dungeons to max level.

This is 100% in my wheelhouse. I dont enjoy raids. I dont enjoy dungeons. I enjoy the wow lore and doing story based quests. I only do WQ if it is an upgrade, so I can do the story quests better.

When they announced you could level anywhere I was so happy. There are some zones I haven’t finished because I out leveled them.

I really hope that they let you continue to quest where you want and how you want

My mag’har orc will level 100% in wod area. A Dk in northrend.

I hope that I will be able to do a full expansion zone and not be forced out.
As far as the timing, I dont care if its 10 hours or 20 or 30+, as long as I can go 1 to 50 where I want.

I have one toon I try to gear up from the dailies. the others will get whatever.

This explains was the one I wanted. beim able to quest wherever I want. I dont care if once i hit 50 i dont gain anymore xp, but in the current form, I’m stuck going to mop and bfa, even though I dont want to.

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