10-50 in 7 hours? Why?

I disagree that everyone wants that end game. But I think leveling should stop being a hazing system meant to manipulate players into wasting their time.

For new players there should be a stronger and continuous tutorial mode.

There are actually people out there who need their hands held and can and would teach themselves on their own time without inconveniencing anybody.

Leveling in this game has never been good.

Rather get it over and done with faster so I can get to the content that doesn’t suck.

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How about no… I have 18 120 characters between Ally and Horde. I have seen the story lines many times over. Dragging them out just sucks and is pointless. This is also better for new players (lol what new players) the old system made you leave storylines unfinished because you outleveled them. This gives the opportunity to see a story start to finish while leveling.

Im just being sarcastic. I hate BFA and im sure I’ll hate SL just as much.
I love old content but it seems like blizzard doesnt give two hozen squats about us anymore…those of us who like the older parts of the game.

Im looking forward to their just hanging the game up so private servers can do this game some justice.

How is classic the journey when people are selling leveling carries and most of the game is speed running Molten Core and UBRS ?

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Implying the dungeons in low level queue aren’t basically tutorial mode and hold their hand

I disagree on every single point of this. But I’m old and not like new gamers. I play for the storyline and take my time. I’m different.

But I also wouldn’t want them to make leveling take longer. Maybe give people a choice if they want to take it slower and play through every single expansion, but I wouldn’t ask to change the upcoming system if people like it.


Because this game has a huge problem getting new players.

The only new players are people who know someone who plays and decided to give it a try. Any brand new players won’t know what to do or where to go when it comes to jumping around to different expacs. If you don’t join a guild that’s willing to help you are going to get frustrated by everything.

This game is a lot and it adds each expansion. Getting players to current content is key and important.

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Blizzard can help everyone by doing this:

They should add a toggle for leveling speed so you can just generically increase or decrease your time to level as needed. This way people could level at their own speed. They could even have recommended speed settings based on the expansion you select in “Chromie Time” so you can experience the full expansion via questing.


If blizzard wants to make something to hook a new player they should be creating a highly story driven recap of wow history into a new player starting experience. Make that 1-10.

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This wasn’t what I was saying at all. But how is a new player who has never done even one dungeon before and is just learning to play the game for the first time supposed to just step into a dungeon at max level and know how to play it? There should be tutorials at the class trainer that anyone who thinks they need them can select.

The first dungeon tutorial would be teaching a new player how the roles of healer, tank, and ranged or melee dps works. You can skip all the tutorials. Wanting to keep players who have never played before from learning suggests to me that you want to sell them paid carries when they reach max level.

The faster the better. The real fun begins at max level, so no point in delaying it so long

If you did this recently on live, there’s a 100% XP buff that’s not normally there.

And were you in heirloom gear?

Dungeons only?

I kinda like it, I took my dark iron pally from 20 to 40 Saturday night, and to 46 last night. At this pace, he will be 120 in no time. That’s what I want him to achieve before Shadowlands. That puts me on the no nerf bench.


I find that to be very debatable. It won’t be disgustingly fragmented anymore so I think that alone is a huge improvement bon the experience.

In order to level, you need to write a five paragraph paper on why you need to level up.


Most people play for the end game content, not the leveling content. If you really enjoy leveling you can always just create a new character and start over once you hit max level.

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I agree to a certain extent, but at what point does it become so trivial that they well as well just make the class trial not a trial and simply an option you select during character creation that asks if you want to start at 1 or 50? No different than choosing your eye color.

I would argue that it is quickly approaching that point even today. I can’t even recall the last time I felt accomplished by reach max level on a character in this game.

Im not sure it needs to go slower with how little emphasis they put on the levelling experience but many NPCs are so pitifully weak it’s super boring, I’d just like to have them a bit beefier in terms of damage and have their abilities retuned is all.

Maybe remove level scaling too but that’s another fight.

There’s just too much content. This idea of slow paced leveling doesn’t work anymore. It did in a came where leveling is everything, like Vanilla or others.

By the way, don’t even get me started on how slow and awful it was in the beginning of BfA. Both exp leveling and basic leveling were hit by the damage spounge design.

Like, if leveling is too fast, just make another alt and start over. You even get more characters out of it that way.

If Blizzard should do something, that something is helping players move around the continents, have a proper scaling system and update vendors so they can have access to upgrades, potions, etc, without having to go through a questline to get it (which leads to quick leveling and forcing to move to the next zone).

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Op,do you really want to level slowly to 60? Remember you’re playing classic look how long it took you to level 60.