Or Minecraft.
Petition Blizz buddy 10-19 is the official level entry for low level bgs.
You should advise your teammates that you’re actually a very accomplished PVPer in Retail.
That sort of thing isn’t obvious when you’re standing around the flag room at Level 10.
Imagine being so bad at PvP that you freak out seeing a level 10 on your team.
Ive played more bgs than most in here from vanilla upwards keep crying.
You might also copy the URL for this thread and post it in BG chat so your team understands that you take criticism of your level personally.
a level 18 Warlock could kill a Level 10 with only Curse of Agony (180 damage over 24 seconds) and Corruption (90 damage over 12 seconds). unless the Level 10 player gets a heal or uses a potion, it will die.
You really shouldn’t be upset at seeing level 10. It’s probably they only players you can win against.
Im in one now and they are even complaining about level 19s lol
Complaining is like air to the toxic tryhards. They’d suffocate without it.
This thread has solved the OP’s concerns. No more will the meanie-twinkies balk at a Level 10 on their team.
Not if I have anything to say about it aka “standard toxic take” or some other redditism.
Oh, here we go the forum twinks all coming to the surface lol
I love seeing all the elitists coming in here to tell people “don’t play the game, that you pay a monthly sub to play with your hard-earned money”
I’m so glad you were able to work this temper tantrum out of your system Selinne. Will you be joining any Level 19 WSG games tonight?
It sounds like you are the one with the temper
and I don’t care if I get killed, I’m having fun, and that’s what I play the game for. Yeah, may go in on my horde level 11.
It’s worse if you’re not 60
I’ve never had to deal with the stress of my team in AB/WSG being angry at me for being functionally useless. But I am just a humble Level 39 Warlock with 2200 HP and 150 spell power.
OP posts thread about being bigmad cuz Level 10 in WSG. But it is the unsympathetic respondents who are actually the real seethers here. Very clever, never seen that forum gambit before.
I am also a humble Level 29 Warlock. I guess I just like cursing.
The thing is Mor I don’t care. I play wow to have fun, and as Blizzard has gave me the option to play bgs from level 10 upwards, I will, and no one will tell me how to spend my sub to WOW. It really is that simple.
I don’t care about your gear or your spell power etc, I’m happy for you, because It’s good to see players happy and having fun, and long may you thrive.
I’m not being big mad, much to your sorrow I am pointing out no one will tell me how to play the game at low level BGS. This is not rated, raiding or some great achievement we’re chatting about here. It’s 10-19 that really does not matter from an end game point of view.