1 hour av que? Really?

You’re literally saying that the reason Alliance does better is because Horde makes stupid decisions. It’s actually kinda cringe worthy watching you guys slowly kill LTs first before moving onto Balinda, rather than bringing them into Balinda- especially since Bal is weak and doesn’t aoe fear.

Also, the reason you don’t have SPGY before Alliance have FWGY is because your entire raid stops to kill LTs, THEN goes kill Balinda, THEN a chunk stops to sit in bunkers, THEN eventually you make it down to SPGY. If the Horde actually split their team somewhat to take multiple objectives at the same time, you’d save 5+ min.

I didnt say the strat was perfect I was pointing out that the map does not favor the horde we have 5 npcs we are required to kill before we can even think of pulling a war master. If we dont alliance come back and get dotted and run into them and pull them anyways. However even if we split the team and such we would just lose with the same amount of honor as if we had all stopped at Balinda.

Defense wins the horde games.

I can only imagine how much pvp horde will be able to see 6 months in the future.

I get horde are all saying if queue times get really bad, which they will, they will go into open world pvp much like phase 2 pre BGs. But open server transfers are a thing now so at that rate wpvp for them will likely die out too. Horde will be the pve faction with no minority faction on the server and massive BG queue times.

This happens on all the private servers, and vanilla onwards. Horde loves to pvp, their racials are good for wpvp/pug bgs.

Alliance always tends to favor pve over pvp, every expansion horde always has a queue time while ally instant queues (minor exception when humans had every man for himself racial).

So horde sits in queues and wpvp’s during queue times to maximize honor, ally instant queues premades usually.

Horde pug usually beats ally pug, but ally premade wins almost all the time.

The way of the world of warcraft.

Again, enjoying some popcorn and smiling. Not sure how that constitutes a response from anyone.

im sure you were bud.

I’m glad you agree. It’s great to have common ground at times.

who said i agreed?

once i reach exalted, i am never queuing ever again. and this is coming from someone who used to love av to bits. so one less alliance ftw. i hope your queues go to 2+ hours as more alliance do the same. enjoy.


You did. You were sure that I was and even had a friendly ‘bud’ at the end.


Way to give the alliance the satisfaction they’ve been craving ever since BRM corpse runs during November.
You are no horde…well maybe a troll

You aren’t understanding the problem for the Horde side and how it effects you, it seems like you are viewing a Horde issue as independent of your own when that isn’t the case.

The ganking was so intense was because of the honor system. The best rewards currently in the game are through the PvP system, so that was what was driving the wpvp to the level it was at, and that is what is driving the queue times now (among other things) Horde have to compete with each other, the same way Alliance do, so while the Alli instant queue and get their honor that way, we have long gaps where we need to compete for honor SOMEWHERE. BGs aren’t an option, so areas Alliance frequent are the next alternative.

Alliance has honor grinders just like Horde does and they act in an identical manner because playing the honor system is the same regardless of faction. We went through the same thing in wPvP. Maybe that wasn’t the case on your server, but I get the feeling it was more than you realized cause you weren’t experiencing what the Horde were. I recognizing certain servers had pretty bad splits, it doesn’t mean your realms honor grinders weren’t corpse camping people, they were, just in the locations Horde would be vulnerable.

Just join a premade. It’s a win every time and a lot of fun as well.

Hit exalted last night and left AV for good as well. And it was to the bitterest refrain of nasty blame gaming from the PvP server crowd that I had experienced in the entire journey.

The Alliance on our servers are getting smashed, PvEers are getting out as soon as they hit exalted, and all that’s left are the already wpvp damaged and abusive PvPers to (I presume) tear themselves apart in /bg as there are no more PvE players to blame for their continual losing.

Things are only going to get worse from here on out, and It’s kind of Biblical.

We got our rep, the vast majority of us are done.

This is what you get for stacking horde. Horde outnumber alliance by roughly 250,000 players on just the PVP servers.

Merry Christmas, que AV

top kek mate

Oh man I had forgot about that. Before I switched to doing all premades, you would have these arrogant and ignorant players from the PvP realms blaming AV losses on the PvE server players and just generally whining like babies.

Man I do NOT miss that.