Community Name: Venomous Raiders
Community Website/Link:
Contacts: Myself, either discord (Veelia) or Veelia#1888
Raid/ Times/Days: 1-Night: Saturday, 8-11 EST (5-8 PST)
Current Progression/Ratings: 9/9H ATSC, 9/9H, 3/9M VOTI
Expectations/Goals: Our goal is to get AOTC each tier, reclear for a bit, and then do a few mythic bosses until we feel we reach our prog cap. We always at least do one full clear of normal at the start of a tier. Anyone is welcome to the group as long as they put in the effort to keep their character geared/current (aka crests to upgrade gear as you get sparks) as well as attend weekly, or inform the group if you cannot make it!
Needs/Wants: We are seeking ranged DPS and potentially a tank (or flex tank/dps). We are also seeking a backup raid leader for the days I have to travel and cannot make it. Thank you!