1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

good guilds already have a roster. If you’re not on it, or don’t show, you might get replaced.

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Get on that boost life.

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We got a 4 weeks of prepatch yes, but not 4 weeks to level Pallies and Shaman to 60. Comprehension is hard apparently.

Edit: and technically it was 5.5 weeks back then


Most guilds I see are hard recruiting paladins because most players dont want to level a new character

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draenei and Be’s were avaliable on release not prepatch
if you plan on reroll anything not those races just boost


Original WOW was never a game for casual. Stick to retail Bone. Leave classic to the elitists.


Or you know, there are 168 hours in a week, and you should spend 40-50 sleeping (let’s say 45), 40 hours working, probably 20 on meal prep/eating, a couple hours on hygiene (general restroom time), some time in the week washing/folding clothes, doing dishes, running errands, probably 3 hrs of exercise (don’t forget to stretch!), maybe even see some humans like your family, hmm…Might be doable to fit in 40-50 hours of gametime a week. 1-60 can probably be accomplished by the average person, but it won’t be super easy (especially if you don’t have a plan), and you’ll be prone to burnout.


i just love how the OP is getting steam rolled into oblivion right now. its adding toppings to my cake of TBC announcement


you get to level 1 (one) character to 60
i guess everybody who wants to have a belf or draenei in time for the dark portal opening doesn’t deserve to test out the changes to their spec in raids or pvp

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On avg a person working 40 hours a week has between 40 and 50 hours to use as they like

Now if they have kids and whatnot that eats up most of that, but they’re also probably not going to be hardcore raiding in tbc.

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Not like theres 4 other races for each Faction.

You’re realllllllly slow.



What are you smoking?

You couldn’t make an Undead rogue during pre patch??? SLOOOOWW

I mean, people had level 60’s within week 1 of Classic Launch and killed Rag and Onyxia so it can be done.

Also in TBC it takes 20% less EXP to go from 1 to 60 AND elite quests were nerfed to be easier.

Also its still better than not allowing you to play Blood Elfs and Draenei until after pre-patch…

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you gotta type slower to match his mental capacity to comprehend anytihng


You must be the one having a stroke. You couldn’t level the new races during prepatch in original TBC. What we’re getting this time around is a step up from that and here you are raging about it.


Less than 1% of the games population shouldn’t be a benchmark for the other 99%…

This is called a REACH.

step 1: get to level 8. find a mage to boost you thru ragefire chasm
step 2: get to 10. find a mage to boost you thru shadowfang keep
step 3: get to 15. find a mage to boost you thru blackfathom deeps
step 4: get to 21. find a mage to boost you thru scarlet monastery graveyard and library
step 5: get to 24. find a mage to boost you thru scarlet monastery armory
step 6: get to 26. find a mage to boost you thru scarlet monastery cathedral
step 7: get to 30. find a mage to boost you thru uldamann
step 8: get to 35. find a mage to boost you thru zul’farrak
step 9: get to 35. find a mage to boost you thru mauradon
step 10: get to 40. find a mage to boost you thru brd
step 11: get to 50. find a mage to boost you thru zg
step 12: get to 58. level your profs


at this point anyone who posts here aside from OP is getting a heart.

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If you’re planning on playing one of those races, you could have started leveling that character ages ago.