🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

Learn to read. Jesus Christ why do I do this to myself.

Ranking 116 when the tier is 1 month old: Elite player.
Rainking 116 when the tier is 10 months old: Not elite player.




How does that matter at all? The item levels are the same and the fights the same, what’s your point?

People complain about raider io, but the truth is even if raider io didn’t exist the problem of “i have a hard time getting invited to groups! I keep getting declined!! it’s not fair!” would STILL be there for most of you guys that make these whine threads :roll_eyes:

Why? This is why:

Whenever you list any 10+ key you almost instantly get flooded by 15-20+ DPS applicants, people are going to be “left out”… there’s just no way around it due to the limited number of DPS slots (3)

Supply and demand guys, supply and demand :thinking:


It was barely a chat channel as most of the main guildies were in their own private discords organizing their own run. The guilds were mostly just vanity and logistics. I have yet to find a guild that even remotely resembles the original use of the guild system back in the early days of MMORPGs.

If you think Method’s (or any top tier guild) ilvl at HFC launch and your ilvl 10 months later were the same I don’t know what to tell you.

Can we just agree that you were a slightly better than average warlock in WoD? You were top 10% in HFC, but bottom 50% in the other 2 raid tiers. I don’t think you should be using that as a flex lol.


1st congrats, you beat my raider io on my mage Telrin. But my mage beats your best completed key with a +2d 11.
And if you don’t care about M+ why are you in a thread about the addon for scoring M+?
Do you need help? Is your handler letting you use the computer alone or something?


They had the same ilvl because they downed the boss before me. We also sold carries a few weeks after.

One wonders if that has to do with the length of the last tier of an expansion vs the others.

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Make one man. I’m telling you. Create the atmosphere you want and don’t put up with people that won’t play nice. So many people have no guild these days because of the same feelings you have.

You have stopped making any sense. I have no idea what crap you think was relevant above in the thread.

Still better than anybody in this thread will ever achieve, so what’s your point? I’m still towering over you.

My OP was just simply how it’s unfair that a rogue, dh, and monk can climb the score easily even if they aren’t better, but pugs could care less so getting into a group with a sub 2k score can take a hour.

Remember when item level was actually an indicator of the difficulty of the content you’ve done? That’s no longer the case.

New/returning players and the so-called “bads” probably shouldn’t be grouping with serious key-pushers. Trying to mix like that will cause both sides to be unhappy and frustrated. Casual players are better off finding and forming groups with other casual players, where everyone has the same goal. Putting people who just want to finish a dungeon at their own pace with people who are trying to 2 or 3 chest the dungeon is going to lead to a miserable experience all around.

That’s more an issue with cross-realm grouping than RIO. But I personally do not miss spending an hour spamming “LF2M CoS, need tank” in chat channels. To each their own.

Nothing is stopping you from forming a group with your own key with a description saying “casual friendly, just looking to finish, don’t care about raider io”.

All this over a single parse from years ago?



Not in this expansion lol


I have 2 guilds. I even have recruitment open. Nobody cares. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude you ain’t having trouble getting into 10s because of some meta crap. You aren’t getting in because you are lazy and entitled.

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You came in here with the following:

Thing is, that is completely irrelevant to Mythic+. Nobody cares that you can be coordinated with 9-29 other people in a raid setting that doesn’t change week to week. That has nothing to do with your experience in the dungeons under various affixes. A lot of people use Raider.io as a guide to judge experience for higher keys. The folks asking for ridiculous scores in the 5-9 range are probably not worth grouping with anyway, because it doesn’t matter there. To be honest, it doesn’t matter in +10s either since those are a joke with our gear levels now, but people still want to use tools incorrectly.