🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

Except they’re not.

Anyone can get a key
Anyone can list a key

Using me as an example, My main is running 16s at this point. Yea I’m not inviting the guy with no score so i suppose I’m gatekeeping him from my group, but that’s where my influence ends.

I am not stopping that guy, in any manner, from getting a key of his own.

Guilds are still there. Communities are there. M+ discord groups are there.

People have themselves convinced they’re better off solo.

They’re not.


I parsed on the exact same boss, difficulty and all as some of the best warlocks and tied/beat them as proved by his link of my M Arch kill. My guilds not even within 50 ranks of those guys and yet I pulled better dps.

There’s no pleasing wannabes lol.

You did it 9 months after they did. That matters. A lot.


Parsed, not downed it. Get real I did arch in December, the raid was out for another 9 months after that and we sold carries. Can’t parse a carry run idiot.

My opinion is wow isnt for the casual players if ya wanna play something casual go play any battle royal were every new game is a fresh start. Or play a solo q game that you can play at your own convenience. The beauty of WoW has always been it takes time to grind gear out and watching yourself improve to finally be able to jump into end game content not the other way around.

As someone that started a guild with the expansion launch, building through random groups and SGI I’m gonna have to call bs. Because that guild two tiers in, which was only going to be a normal raiding guild, is now in mythic, has plenty of 10+ and some 15+ key runners.
Your issue isn’t rating systems it’s wanting a community to belong to but being unwilling to invest in that community.
Go join a guild or make one, then find some of people at your level or below. Run with them. Teach those you can. Don’t blame the tool that gives an idea of what skill cap people are at, blame the community for not building up those that aren’t doing well.

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The parse you keep waving around was when the tier was 10 months old, sweet cheeks.


The reason this isn’t a thing anymore is not because of raider io, it’s because of the cross-realm Group Finder. People stopped pugging in /2 during WoD.


Hey Kem. Let’s just pretend you were the world best raider warlock in WoD.
It doesn’t matter for mythic +.
It doesn’t matter for pvp.
It doesn’t matter for this expansion.
It doesn’t matter for this tier.
You need to be good, now. Not then.


You can’t parse with 18 and 19 people in the group, are you missing cells or something?

The parse runs didn’t happen until we made a bunch of gold capped alts.

What part of ranking top 10% when the tier is dead means nothing is hard for you to understand.

Show me a 10% rank in a tier that isn’t dead and I will gladly bow to your superiority at playing the game.

I’m 4/9M rn with a super casual guild. You don’t have heroic done yet, why are you talking down to me?

Why are you flexing about something you did two expansions ago?
You killed mythic opulence this week.
You haven’t completed every key at +10
I didn’t check all of them but I was only seeing some 11s?

This is my alt.
Ziziana is my main.
3/9 mythic and we started like 2 weeks ago.

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I don’t care even a little bit about M+ since my class can’t flex in them. I do a 10 every week casually. Get off my back scrub.

I did join a guild this expansion. I actually joined 3 of them with 3 different healers. The problem was that it was easier for that guild to just find people with Raider IO scores that would let them continue on with their keys then it was for them to work with their guild mates to get everyone to the same level.

Guilds work great when there’s a small number of players who all have the same schedule, have compatible personalities, and can have enough players available to them to fill in the gaps when someone can’t make it. If you got this to work, awesome, but your guild is the exception, not the rule. If making guilds and sticking to a schedule was easy, they would have never made the LFG tools to begin with.

Why go through all that trouble when you can just grab some random joe with an adequate Raider IO score to fill in the missing roles? Most people aren’t going to waste their limited game time to play activity organizer.

Lol now we’re saying the games dead so my parse doesn’t matter. Desperate are we?

Both my alt and my main have higher raiderio than you. I’m wondering if my trash 3rd alt frost mage does too. Lemme check.

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Bad guild. Hell I didn’t even call that a guild. That’s a chat channel.

It’s almost like I just said I don’t care about M+ since it doesn’t matter in the slightest.

Learn how to read. I know any monkey could do M+, but jesus.