šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

RIP Kem, general forums takes another.


Kem is trending in my discord right now.

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I very nearly just spit coffee at my monitor.

More players than now=dead game? Ok then.

When you have a parse next to other people with your spec who are in top end guilds lmk.

Did you really come back to this thread? You are very brave lol

We have no idea if there are less players now. Can we please stop making claims that arenā€™t, and canā€™t be, backed up.


Almost like itā€™s the hardest content in the game or something. Also can we see your parses from heroic SoO?

When I start feeling the need to boast about being great then feel free to go find my parses. <3

I am/was probably slightly better than average and was helped along by the fact that I ran with a bunch of good players, and the fact that I played a disc priest.

I didnā€™t say the game was less dead now :smile:

Also raiding bores the hell out of me, though the actual fighting part is fun. Itā€™s the standing and scratchingā€¦ reminds me of baseball as a kid.

When you get all the 10s timed lmk :kissing_heart:

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Wow, the first person Iā€™ve seen in this thread who doesnā€™t have brain damage, jesus bro youā€™re a sight.

Even then you were still barely in the top 10% for warlocks. And if we average all 3 raid tiers in WoD you are a top 30% warlock.

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All this will do is make sure no one invites you

If you play that little why bother with anything effected by raider io?

you can still do this its not changed that much

been hearing this argument since wrath and yet we are still here crying about it 10 years later

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The problem with this philosophy of Raider IO or the highway is that it doesnā€™t provide players with any opportunity to join a group where they can get the experience to earn the Raider IO score need to get the group.

Which came first, the raider or the raider IO score?

The problem is that with all the group finding tools available, guilds are falling out of favor as the main means of engaging with higher end content. The few players who managed to engage the content or got carried early on are now the gatekeepers of content that before were the domain of guilds. As such, Raider IO is detrimental to the building of social structures that provide the support to the less aggressive players getting into content.

Rather than a variety of guilds serving the community of prospective raiding/mythic players, helping people gain experience and gear, we now have a relatively few players with high Raider IO scores circle jerking around the group finder.

Raider IO has itā€™s valid use case but in general it also disrupts the gameā€™s intended organizational infrastructure from being effective.

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Before that, games been dying since it was in beta and they announced changes that would be present at launch. I have always thought we should make ā€œgame is dyingā€ a drinking gameā€¦ but I am afraid that it would be us that were dying.

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I like drinking games, sign me up.

You are too cute to die though.

Also, some fun reading for the denizens of this thread:


Woah, I was up there with top 20 world guilds and not Method level guilds. Darn it, you got me.


I donā€™t know why I am going to try again, but I guess I canā€™t help myself.

If someone plays basketball against NBA players and scores 100 points, then someone else plays basketball against pre-schoolers and scores 100 points. They arenā€™t the same just because they both scored 100 points.

Actually your 45% average in M BRF would put you below half the warlocks raiding in WoD. You should look at the link Meritha posted up there.