đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

That’s why Kem’s my hero!! Want to see my Kem tattoo?!

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Depends if it is somewhere covered by a swimsuit or not :wink:

I’m just going to leave the rest of his WoD logs down here and you guys can let me know if the quote above is true or not.

Highmaul - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/5174100?zone=6&mode=detailed#private=0

BRF - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/5174100?zone=7&mode=detailed

HFC - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/5174100?zone=8&mode=detailed

What we have here is an extremely average warlock when we take in to account his best expansion of raiding.


Oh I know. :slight_smile: That hardly makes them a “top 1% player” like our buddy Kem is claiming though.

This thread, well Kem’s posts, reminds me exactly why in a thread about “are top players toxic” I replied “No, but the tier under are”.


It’s not even the tier under, it’s the anyone a tier or more below what they think they are


Too true.

yawn another “raiderio ruined _______” post

Did it poison your puppy or shank your neighbor too, OP? I hear it’s the worst thing ever.

Like let’s be honest, Kem should be raiding mythic. He should be doing 10+ keys consistently. If he actually wanted to he could and would instead of complaining about an addon that lets you see a horrific 200 io score on someone in 411 gear trying to sign up for a 13 siege

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Well for someone who knows that you’re riding him pretty hard for getting a rank around when you’d expect someone to be.


Oh absolutely. I have never claimed he is a terrible player, nor do I think he is a terrible player. My issue is entirely making stuff up.

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Not at all. I am not riding him for getting a rank. I am riding him for making false claims. Whether you see the difference or not, the difference does exist.

I did the math actually. There were 1153 warlocks that logged a M Archimonde kill in the US region. So getting 116th would put you BARELY in the top 10%. You just missed a decimal place claiming top 1%.

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While I think Raider IO is a bad way to engage with the game, the above quote is pretty much the answer to your problem.

The raiding game was meant to be played with your guild. If you want to raid seriously, you should be finding a guild of players who you feel are compatible with your goals.

That said, it’s really not that hard to get into raid groups so long as you’re not trying to join a group with their own set of hardcore goals.

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Y’all are wild :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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His problem is not wanting to put in the time and effort to prove he’s not bad. As well as to learn some of the tricks m+ requires at high levels. Just pushing your buttons for a fast clean dps rotation doesn’t cut it. Proper ccs, kiting, clutch plays, positioning, skips, ect all make a successful run. Mythic raiding =/= m+, they each have their difficulties that are worlds apart.
The amount of dps helping keep the tank alive is way higher in m+ than mythic.
The amount of special movement patterns in mythic raid is higher.
People really think they are interchangeable and they aren’t. Sure good players can do both, but they aren’t the same game even.


Exactly it’s gone, maybe you should be gone with it too.

Only bad players complain about RaiderIO.

To be fair, some do it because they are misinformed, but I will readily concede that is probably only 1% (you guys see what I did there?) of those complaining.