đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

Why would you hide your activity in a game event that provides rewards based on skill?

Let me say it this way:

You water heater breaks. You really like hot water. You decide to google repair companies. How do you base you decision?

I am betting it is a combination of things like: price, experience, reviews, etc.

You do not just randomly pick anybody. That could be disastrous.

^^ This is why RIO exists.


Probably a bit of both. I guess I dont remember when raider io came out. Especially in BFA though it’s easy to get a high ilevel without raiding or even through raiding and not being as aware of best dungeon practices.

Ultimately my point still stands. If you broke raider io they’d find another way to rate players.

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Here you go


Your logs from HFC. Your best parses averaged out to a 90th percentile. So in HFC you were a top 10% warlock. Can we stop now or do you have more excuses?

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Okay, but cheese is cheese. Acting like somehow their cheese is worse than warlock cheese because it’s not a warlock is really pretty silly and doesn’t help you any. In the end, top parses are about as meaningless as iLevel because it’s all cheese.

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wait his 1% flex was over a 92 Archimode parse? during WoD when the game was dead?

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Kem man, you haven’t even done a 10 of every key, let alone some big boy keys.

Also past expansion achievements don’t mean anything.
In vanilla a full tier set or a tfury meant you handled your stuff.
In BC it was arena rating and higher tier sets.
In wrath it was hard mode achievements.
Do you see my point? It’s not what have you done, it’s what have you done lately.


I used to think Io was stupid but then I Q’d for a +10 underot with a 300 io
 410 ilvl monk tank. He took the most damage in the world, didn’t use any mitigation, constantly did stupid pulls, didn’t interrupt anything. Wiped on 1st boss twice, wiped on trash twice and then wiped on 2nd boss. I had enough and said never again


You parsed on April 20th, 2016. Patch 6.2 (HFC release) was June 25th of 2016. It took you TEN MONTHS to rank. That’s like me bragging that I can beat a pre-schooler at basketball. If you had a parse of 116 within the first month or two of the raid launching, you would have a point. But this? is pathetic.

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Yeah IDK. He’s trying to flex US warlock rankings from WoD when there were only 2600 warlocks in the world on the logs lol.


There’s already a way to make your info private through the raider io website that doesn’t require you to download/install an addon.

This way you can play only with other casuals.

Worse. The flex material happened 10 months after the raid was released.


Granted I want one melee dps for interrupts, but I’m not bleeding edge so if I see a decent io warlock I’m just as likely to take them as I would take anothe dps class.

I like lock cookies.

Getting rid of io wouldn’t help you if people have biased against your class.

If anything IO helps when people are biased against your class.

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410ilvl means nothing in M+ now. The affixes changed in such a way that they made this the norm. If you took 5 people who had never been in a M+10 before but all have 410ilvls and put them in a +10 KR they would never time it. You can’t over gear them, they really did make a setup where some skill is required on some part of the group. You can carry one person sure, but probably not 2 and certainly not a tank or healer.

If they blocked scores then there would be an addon that kept scores still and you would have to opt in
if you still didn’t opt in then same thing as now as a result. The thing is, they can’t actually stop a scoring system from existing in this game without breaking HUGE portions of the game. Without the blizzard score board they would probably just take scores off of live logs instead. Then the requirement would be that all 5 people have the right scoring addon and all 5 run live logs which then gets synced on a 3rd party site and verified then scored.

If anyone wants raider io to go away they will have to put a lot more thought into it than just i don’t like it make it go away. Because at this point in the game, I think more people actually are running with raider io than there are people without it.

The people who hate it so much still have not formed a community around the mutual hatred of it which is very telling. If the issue was as bad as claimed i would imagine they could all find enough people equally irritated with RaiderIO who are willing to run together
But the argument is ALWAYS ‘make those people take me with them’. It’s literally a child’s argument. Mom! Make them play with me!


The horrors of fresh 120s and terrible players having to play with people who also have a similar experience/skill.

I fail to see how casuals are the ones shafted by RIO. If anything, they’re the ones that benefit the most from it. Being able to tell who is less likely to waste their limited play time in M+ seems like a good thing.

WoW hasn’t been about the journey since 2007. You’re really late on that one pal.

I have an announcement to make:

I would hereby like to congratulate Kem on ranking 116 on a fight 9 months after the actual top 1% did it.

Cheers for Kem!


Remember that even then, 10 months later, he was still only top 8%

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Savage! That man has a family!

Good point!

That’s when everyone is going for rankings. When they’re fully BiS and farming the content with cheese strats like dropping healers, ignoring mechanics, letting an overpowered AoE class nuke the adds, etc.