“The Last Titan” is a suspicious name…

Multiple interviews have said that it isn’t, even the official WoW Q&A Ion said it isn’t

Here’s the thing…WoW is killing itself because it has reached the end of its engine’s capabilities and the story can no longer be recovered because it has escalated into the cosmic realms. We already know that we are going to be directly dealing with a titans again in the next x-pack. How long until we start fighting what is above the titans in the cosmic order…because I don’t really know where you go from here.

How many times have we heard “we want to do that but we can’t because it is hard coded in the engine” over the last few years? Also, while anecdotal, the amount of bugs and issues I (we) have seen during the last 2 x-packs have been a huge increase vs. what we should expect.

I agree, creating a new Warcraft-based MMO will be a challenge. I just don’t think it will be possible to stretch what we currently have for 30 more years.


My believe is that TLT is gonna be some kind of evangelion world ending/reset event where azeroth or whoever gets the cosmic juice resets the entirety of reality and from that we wake up post third impact in a brand new world. Now I dont think blizzard has the balls to do this but it would be my biggest wish.


What does Wildstar have to do with anything? Expound on that rather than just saying “Wildstar” and walking away.

I’ve already answered this question. Please re-read my initial response.

What does “scrapping a player base” even mean? The change would be a wholesale improvement for the player base.

Again, if it isn’t just conjecture, provide a concrete example and details.

And people are more than happy to play something fresh (assuming it is of quality and not complete doodoo).

And let me guess, you’re a psychologist? Give me a break. And to say “because other games have tried it” is not an actual argument. Lots of games have tried things and failed while others have tried the same thing and found wild success.

And of course. What would your bogus post be without resorting to baseless and nonsensical accusations at the end? The complete stereotypical package. Yikes. I am neither trolling nor trying to kill the game. I do play and enjoy it, but I have enough vision to be able to wrap my head around the fact that it can be so, so much more.

I mean there is definitely something VERY significant happening after TLT. If it’s not WoW 2 it’s some form of MAJOR engine overhaul or something. Metzen very clearly referenced major plans that would not be discussed at “this blizzcon.”


I dont think wow2 will happen I mean who knows? They said they are already halfwaydone with midnight. Wow2 would fit if indeed the world ends in TLT but wow doesnt really have the tone YET to pulloff a world endinng reset of the universe get isekaid into a new world type stuff.

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Thank you, I was like but…they already debunked the theory wow was ending?

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I’ve said it before a few times, but I think the “Titans” we know are not actually Titans. They’re just beings of Order who have taken the title of their dead gods, or perhaps they usurped their gods, who knows.

Azeroth is The Last Titan. The last true Titan, and she is imprisoned, either out of fear of these fake Titans, or because they want something from her just like everyone else.

This seems to be a pretty common theory. The main problem I see with it, is that there have been no announcements or leaks as to Blizzard creating a WoW2. There has been no copywriting, staffing a new studio, or hiring staff to develop a new game.

WoW2 would more than likely take 4-6 years to cook. And the World Soul Saga will most likely take less than 6 years to wrap up. There would be signs that something big is in the pipeline if a WoW2 was coming.

The game is still very profitable, developing competition for itself will only dilute its current playerbase. That is also one of the main issues. There is no reason to make a WoW2. Look at Everquest 2. They made a game to not only compete with WoW, but to compete with Everquest 1. They just ended up splitting the Everquest diehards between the two games, and ultimately tanking both games. And both those games are STILL operating and putting out expansions. So I think WoW isnt going anywhere or ending.

My theory is that, Azeroth is going to end, in game. There will be a big conflicted battle, where we have to help Azeroth awaken, but find a way to do so, without Azeroth destroying the world in doing so. There will be a huge, pitched battle, where we come to the realization that, if we win, we all die and Azeroth is born, or if we lose, we all die and Azeroth is killed and the universe is destroyed.

So in a selfless act, we all sacrifice ourselves to save Azeroth. Then Azeroth defeats the big, universe ending bad thing. Seeing our sacrifice, Azeroth uses her immeasurable power to save us at the last second and put us on a new world. One without a World Soul. Most of our Heroes in Lore are dead. And the new world is basically where the next chapters of WoW begin anew.

We can still visit all the old content through the timeways with Chromie time. Effectively preserving Vanilla through The Last Titan as memory we can revisit to see where we came from.

Just a crackpot theory.

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I don’t think we’ll get a WoW 2. It’s far more likely they’ll just revamp a lot of the old world after The Last Titan and move forward with a new story direction.

I don’t think a WoW 2 would be so successful, because then you’re splitting the playerbase between three different versions of the game, and a WoW 2 would most certainly be the least popular of the three.

Yeah I agree. But the titan crying out to the inhabitants of the planet its trapped(?) in sounds like a solid start.

I wonder what will happen to Azeroth when it emerges

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Let me clarify my position. I chose my words poorly in the OP, but I will leave them in for full context.

When I suggested WoW ending and “what will essentially be WoW 2,” that does not necessarily mean a direct sequel and discontinuation of the current game/servers.

It could manifest in an overhaul of the current iteration of the game so profound that, for all intents and purposes, it is a new game.

This would make more sense as a Jailer theory, since he says before he dies “A cosmos divided will not survive that which is to come,” but, it’d be even funnier if this line never went anywhere or had any payoff, because then Shadowlands will have reached peak Shadowlands.

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While I get where you’re coming from, I feel like the chances of this being true (that they purposely plan to end the game in 3 expansions) are lower than 1% (a number completely out of my guts).

Most likely, it’s just a title meant as shock value. And, also, I think they will change many things from their plan before we get there. It’s 3 expansions down the road, after all.

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Canonically, I’m pretty sure that’s the size of Titans. Recall that Aman’thul ripped out Y’shraaj.

For my money, the Last Titan will involve the last (currently) known living Titan: Sargeras.

But I will say I love all this speculation again. It feels like it did during Legion and BFA!

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Look at this particular Reddit thread from 11 years ago:
Let’s just use the first games mentioned that most people who are familiar with MMOs will at some point have heard of:
Tibia, Ultima Online, and Everquest (Runescape was first mentioned a bit later in the thread). How many concurrent players do these games have?

Tibia is estimated to have a bout 45.000 players. Ultima is estimated of a bit below 6000. And Everquest is on Steam so that number changes a bit but at it’s peak once having moved to Steam it was 984 players 2 years ago, with 465 live players as of right now.

World of Warcraft, both classic and retail, is estimated to have a little bit over 2 million active players in total. Which matches roughly with the numbers we see when we extrapolate data from places like Raider.io and take into account the popularity of Raiding and M+ so we end up on roughly 2 million active players.

The games I listed are a bit older than WoW, but they still have concurrent players. Not a massive amount but they do. And they are a fraction of the estimated numbers for WoW. When we go to to the big dog that always gets mentioned because it is definitely the next real WoW killer and all of that … 20.819 live players on Steam, with a 26,116 peak in the last 24 hours, and an all-time peak of 95,150 players 2 years ago. Those are the numbers for FF14, which is the other MMO that folks argue is the next biggest MMO (or sometimes is argued to be bigger than WoW).

The only other MMO if one want to argue that it is one that actually beat WoW in terms of numbers is Genshin Impact. If folks have issues with WoW’s and Blizzard’s current store, imagine if they implemented Genshin Impact into the game. But hey, at least we’d have bathing suits I guess. If folks really wanted that.

WoW is king because it is. It isn’t “killing itself”, it is struggling to make a profit outside of using the store because MMOs are notoriously unprofitable. But WoW hasn’t died off in terms of interest or anything else of the sort. We cannot predict what will happen with WoW in 10 years, it is likely the game will be around and still quite popular after the upcoming expansion-trilogy.

But WoW could literally have ONE TENTH of its players and it would still be more profitable, more sensible, and more desirable by everyone … to keep it in a similar state as to what Runescape has going for it. Speaking of which, has an estimated concurrent playerbase of about 500.000 players.

Here’s the simple reality: we don’t know basically… anything.
We have no hard numbers to rely on, we have no idea what will happen in the future, and we have no idea what Blizzard is planning down the road. All we can go on is estimates and logic. And precisely none of that support in any way shape or form an attempt to … “revive” WoW, especially as it isn’t even doing badly in terms of everything we know (which is admittedly very little comparatively speaking).

wow 2 on a new engine can’t happen, wows biggest thing is it can run on potato PC’s any new engine would have far higher requirements.

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You know the “reset” would be done by the same people who are writing it now, right? Like, if they had some burning desire to write WoW differently, they’d be doing it (and are doing it, according to Metzen).

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Sure. Even so, if the same mason builds two houses, one on a firm and solid foundation, and one on a cracked and unstable foundation, one of those houses is a better house.

Half-Life 3 will be out before WoW 2.

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