“The Last Titan” is a suspicious name…

It would be cool to find new stories in old zones that are a little more updated with new Npc’s and adventurers we didn’t know needed solving at the time.

And use a couple more cities as capitals again. Which is kind of a WoW 2.

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First. They said they want the trilogy to end by a certain date. Weird to say you want wow to end at a certain date so publicly. That’s a huge way to turn off players.

Second. That means they need to start working on WoW 2 today. I am reluctant to believe that they are bringing in new teams for a WoW 2 while also (per their words) bringing in additional teams for WoW 1.

Third. You can’t have WoW 1 and WoW 2 coexist. That means that WoW servers get shut down. I don’t see that happening ing and being profitable.

This would have been plausible if the lore was stuck at 15 years ago. Titans are no longer the end game of Warcraft lore. Titans are now merely an advanced race. There are bigger and more powerful beings in the universe.

Although, the original lore makes Azeroth something super special, I doubt the in-game representation is going to match up. WOW2 would not make any sense financially and thats all matters.

That is strictly conjecture and you don’t know that.

This strengthens my argument. Keep the time tested design elements and improve them while innovating in other areas.

And it will work still. This is not an “other game.” It’s World of Warcraft, upgraded.

Because it will still be WoW. An improved WoW is still WoW. There is more to what makes WoW great than you are giving it credit for.

Again, strictly conjecture. As far as rehashing old content, there are a LOT of players who do not want that. They want something new, but also something good. A systemic upgrade is just that. The last sentence, and the remainder of your post, is again just conjecture, and rather pessimistic conjecture at that.

They have also said they are developing parts of the three saga x-packs simultaneously, which will free up a lot of resources down the line. So it is possible that they have started the early groundwork and will commit more resources once they complete the saga.

That’s not true. FF14 and FF11 have both existed simultaneously for a long time now.


This is not mutually exclusive with my original post. I specifically stated “what will essentially be WoW 2.” Not a literal WoW 2. It is a softly hard (or is it hardly soft?) reset that provides a better foundation upon which to build said expansions.

I should clarify, my post is one of optimism!

Last titan because Azeroth sides with us adventurers as we rebel against the other titans and there plans of order as they are the final bosses of the xpac

That’s not going to happen. This game is literally their number 1 cashcow. As long as they make money, more x-packs will come.

I suspect you may be right and honestly, with no disrespect to WoW as it is now, I HOPE you are right.

A fresh take with all meaning of the word “fresh” is sorely needed and would be welcomed. Many of us played this game for literal decades it gave us fun but it’s time for a new perspective…from the ground up.

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We will indeed be going through the Dark Portal again, but back through time. This will be to escape the inevitable fate of Azeroth, which we will fail to save! We will arrive before the First War and the story will reset. This will be heralded as WoW 2. It’s intended to bring old and new players together and the focal point will be during the WoD classic release to have commonality between both current and classic WoW versions.

This is also why we have the current expansion focusing on healing and tying up any past hatred’s. WoW version 2 won’t have the two faction system.

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It certainly is their #1 cash cow. I will not disagree, but hear me out.

“Here is our #1 cash cow, but better in literally every single way!”

The thing about a WoW “sequel” (which isn’t necessarily what I am suggesting) is that so much of the work is already done. It’s just a systemic upgrade of the foundation. Keep and polish the good, prune the bad an innovate.

It pretty much cannot be denied that WoW is in DESPERATE need of a narrative reset. That is what WoW+ can give us.

Not really OP.

It has to do with a ‘conspiracy’ and we’ll find out some last titan… that we didn’t know existed or were not shown in game to be a titan. That is my guess.

Titans probably come to azeroth, we find out the titans are in fact, good? but not bad as things were alluded to and we face off against iridikron and some void stuff. We figure out what all the signs mean etc or the constructs around azeroth. Probably that she was kept safe and sargeras was trying to free azeroth . In fact, it’ll turn out the titans were keeping azeroth safe from the void.

In regards to the Titans’ “alignment,” I sincerely hope you are right. Giving the Titans the villain bat is the DUMBEST possible story arc I can imagine. After everything they have done to preserve the Universe as a whole, not to mention everything they’ve done to protect Azeroth herself from the wiles of the Void. Heck, they even actively helped us put an end to the Burning Legion!

We are already playing WoW 2. It just happened gradually.

Personally I never really knew where the idea titans were bad came from. I think it is just another group that were put in to oversee things. After the dumb reveal that they are all mechanical constructs or something really ruined the mythos of it all.

But Vyranoth in the latest thing messing with Odyn… we’re in for some kind of pay back from at least odyn if they play that out.

WoW2 would require a separate team. Even WoW + newer engine would require a separate team.

I could see them doing either or but I don’t have my hopes up. We’re more likely to see a Warcraft action game than either of those.

The average person doesn’t know FF11 exists as an MMO. Hasn’t had an expansion pack in 10 years.

EQ 2 killed EQ 1 population.

I didn’t say that they would continue development on current retail WoW, only that they could both exist at the same time.

On they other hand, they are still producing new content for Everquest and Everquest 2. So it may have “killed” the population, but they both exists and are actively being expanded.

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Well, if 100% of the population of WoW moved to WoW+ (meaning they had to buy the game and resub up), then Blizzard wins!

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So why wouldn’t players just play other MMOs in that case? What incentive is there to play this “washed up game that can’t maintain its own playerbase anymore”?

You do realize that “<‘Game name’> 2: Electric Boogaloo” is a joke? It has never worked, ever.

If it is still WoW, then what are you changing that warrants effectively scrapping a 20 year old playerbase dedicated for your game for… a new name?

In order, Wildstar and Runescapes proves two things:

  1. It isn’t conjecture.
  2. People are more than happy to play the same game over and over again.

No, it is based on human psychology. The fact that other games have tried this. And looking at what works both in WoW and in other games.

You want to kill off the game. I don’t.
That’s not me being pessimistic, that’s me telling you to stop trolling and just play the game if you actually like it. And if you don’t, there’s other games for you to play. No need to kill off games you don’t like simply because you don’t like them.

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