“Post hidden by community flags”

Isn’t this enough proof to let mods knows and game masters to understand their CoD is being abused? To be honest it’s going a bit more wild than before.

Ignore feature is somewhat the solution, but these people love drama so ignore feature is useless to an certain extent. We usually tell these type of people just block the person that triggers even if they’re not hostile, but they don’t. They extend the problem where it gets worst something the mods needs to inspect than just accept false flags.

yeah but at least when you block a person with ignore it takes some of the power away from forum trolls since they aren’t even aware you have ignored them and it is not as prone to abuse as flagging others ths no CM has to waste time being a hall monitor they can devote their time to handling real issues


Ironic thread considering this one was flagged into oblivion as well lol.

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I too wish to unite azeroth with yiff, but as a worgen. :slight_smile:

Considering how many or little art of Belves floats around with ugly troll or horde races, i’m surprised they haven’t opened up a worgen tourist museum resort for the blood elves, vulpera, and worgen lol.

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No. He got flagged because ‘enough’ people disagreed with his opinions.

And yeah, disagreement is not a good enough reason to flag a post.


trolls NEVER look for a reason just seeing a comment is all the justification they need they think its fun to purposely annoy people with it

Neither does flagging it, so by your logic we should get rid of flags, right?


Feed me likes! I need it too!


It’s actually way worse

This pretty much . Their excuse before was downvotes people were crying over being downvoted . So blizz took downvoted away and now we have people abusing the flag system and doing what they did with downvotes but to flag posts they don’t agree with .

Flagging is just as toxic I don’t mind it for the posts that do need it but like I miss the old forums . You could ignore people , you could downvote the trolls and spammers . It was more clean in the old forum this new forum system is terrible.

So at this point blizz might aswell revert it and give us downvotes and ignore back as options . Because obviously their flagging system isn’t doing any justice atm.


Hating the game is a prerequisite to posting on the forums…everyone knows that. :slightly_smiling_face:

I reckon seeing your post literally nuked out of visibility would be a teensy bit more likely to hurt someone’s feelings than a few downvotes. But yes, people are now using the flagging as a replacement for the downvote, which should never have been removed in the first place. You can’t enforce “positivity” on a community by being punitive.


Green posters are unpaid blizzard shills. Why would you be surprised that they tow the company line?


I’m honestly not shocked at all . Most kiss up to blizz alot to be in green text to begin with it doesn’t surprise me tho most of the green posters are really nice . Some of them tho are kinda biased towards blizz and won’t admit when blizz is in the wrong I’ve seen it off and on but there is only a few greens that I even recognize anymore . It’s been so long since I’ve been on the forums . I barley came back earlier this month.

They’re literally not allowed to.

Welcome to cancel culture, where the people most in need of psychiatric intervention define the parameters of acceptable discourse.


This explains a lot about what has been going on here for the last few days.

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Fun fact: ‘<’ and ‘>’ is the opening and closing tag for HTML, by typing <ten chars/> the system simply ignore it because it’s not a valid HTML tag. But it should work even without the closing ‘/’ at the back.

Oh did I just write that tag out without getting erased?

<ten chars/>


Yet they do so anyway time n time again