“Post hidden by community flags”

lol I know. How many people have to flag someone for it to hide anyway?

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I think people’s feelings are less hurt this way. Which is the main reason , in my opinion, why the removed the dislike button. Also I feel that a lot people are less likely to use the flagging system on post. With the op I am betting that people just saw it as spam and are more burnt out by the number of bashing post then them being “white knights”.

A lot of smurfs and false flag users are using that tactic as downvote giving trouble to your account as if you’re guilty even if your post is legit or reasonable. It’s nothing, but a toxic tactic that mods and gms needs to wake up on.


Everyone is so damn sensitive anymore.! (Can I say damn?)
Someone’s always getting triggered over something.


I can only guess why someone would flag it, and something that breaks the forum code of conduct (which is what flags are supposed to be used for) would stand out as a reason.

I get the reasoning of removing the downvote, voicing disagreement or dislike of something is a conversation, while just hitting a downvote doesn’t add much to a discussion.
And the limited number of flags is supposed to discourage use as a ‘I don’t like this’ button. Now if flags were limited by account, that might work a little bit better.

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welcome to the hive mind where a lot of the pro Blizzard supporters, corporate shills and white knights all rush out to attack anyone with even the slightest bit of criticism and/or you become targeted by the occasional forum troll that does it just for entertainment


a lot of the white knights are very “touchy” right now.


I think the irony is if you say anything positive about the game or say anything about the childish rants from the angry WoW players they like gang up on you and throw the cliche terms your ways such as shills and white knights.


This means that despite Blizzard having dispensed with the “dislike” button, allegedly to avoid heavily disliked posts from being “buried” (e.g. greyed out/hidden) players have found another way to “dislike” and therefore bury a post – by abusing the should-only-be-used-in-rare-circumstances flag system as if it was a “dislike” button.


This is what happens when you give people power to censor speech for whatever reason they like.
Stupid and lazy move on Blizzards part.


i could maybe see if you have only played within the last 4 or 5 years thinking BfA is ok. you haven’t seen anything better. if you have played for 10 to 15 years and think BfA is better than sliced bread. then you probably have a trench coat in your closet, and notebooks full of freaky :poop: hidden under your bed.

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theres no doubt that can go both ways I mean ask anyone its no secret I tend to rub a lot of ppl the wrong way but I digress they should just go back to the old ignore option and get rid of the hive mind mentality which often causes any opinion to be buried based on the merit certain sides of the discussion doesn’t like it

to quote myself from another thread like this one

“downvoting is just as bad as false flagging they should just bring back the ignore option its a lot more fair and honest since its not as powerful and prone to abuse
after all when a poster ignores another the only 2 ppl affected are you and the one ignored they disappear from only YOUR screen and it doesn’t show up as ignored on the main forums thus no one else sees them as ignored thereby preventing the issue with flagged and hidden because players will see it flagged and just go along with the mob and add their own negative click to it
say what you want but at least single person ignore is less capable of abuse since it basically is a blind option only seen by the one using it”

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Now I’m going to flag you for complaining about being flagged.

That’ll teach you.

…waits to see if he gets flagged


Did it have anything to do with WC3 or negative reviews? Not a dog in the race here, but loved the old games and sc1 and brood wars fan and the TBC and WOTLK expacs. I was hearing some people got 7 day bans or suspensions over on the WC3 reforged fourms for showing (NOT TAKING) other users how to get refunds by EU and Australian consumer protection laws. Saw what you will, but this “The people are LUCKY to pay to have this game, content is unimportant, filler” feels a lot more third party or third generation wealth dumpers.

The first generation of blizz built it, the second innovated it, the third squandered it, and by the time the fourth and the fifth come out, they’ll be dying over and fighting over the scraps to bankruptcy or absorbed and sold to the lowest bidder by chance i suppose. Really sad state to see how far blizzard has fallen imo. From being all about the world quality and the blizzard polish of flawless launches and epic innovator of games, to a seemingly spineless chinese #time played ecafe model that seems to alternate with angry dev alts and shills complaining about their own users with hardly anything but "we only want to hear positive stuff wah wah our paychecks don’t care’ .


Just proved my point.

ill flag you for flagging complaining about being flagged


You were spitting too much truth and it made the forum heroes uncomfortable, so they had to silence you, either that or there’s a slight, but unlikely chance you actually deserved it

You can be flagged for doing literally nothing wrong on these forums, so yeah. Mods won’t punish anyone for it, of course.

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Well you can go flag yourself.


Yiffgoblins stand as a beacon of unity and… name redacted

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:thinking: or both