World of Warcraft players with Epilepsy

Can Blizzard add some type of Interface options for removable effects - flashing, flicking and photo-sensitivity from World of Warcraft for people with Epilepsy?
so they can enjoy the game as well.


I have a mild case of it, we could start a guild called the Keppra warriors

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I was just reading about this last week. Have you seen this guide to at least mitigating some of the triggers?


I’ll join, but you might have to change the name. Keppra didn’t work for me so I got switched to lamotrigine.

But as to OP’s point, flashing lights is one of the reasons I don’t play FFXIV. The effects in that game is the demon spawn of a disco ball and a rainbow strobe light. The effects in WoW are timid by comparison.

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I epilepsee what you did there

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Actually, you can turn down or disable those effects in the character settings.


My daughter is 15 and has epilepsy. We have struggled to find the right medication. I see the Keppra joke. Unfortunately, that made her suicidal.

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There is a setting called Alternate Full Screen Effects that says it “modifies certain full screen effects to help reduce photosensitivity issues”, have you tried that? I have no idea if that is related to Epilepsy or not but sounds like maybe?

Also can try contacting Blizzard directly at

These settings would be so nice in WoW.

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I agree, but make it a slider that goes both ways. Allow us to turn up the flashing, flicking, and photon-bombardment if we want. I like watching Dubstep lyrics videos, so I know that I’m fine with extreme flashing scenes and seizure-inducing patterns. I am 100% certain WoW has shied away from certain effects out of concern people would experience epileptic events. I would like the option to receive the full creative experience by taking responsibility for my well-being into my own hands. I will consent to whatever legal disclaimer is needed, but I want to fight Hypnotoads and stuff that makes my screen go crazy. Warp my brain with lights and patterns, Blizzard. I dare you.

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There is a setting under Interface > Accessibility where you can check the “Alternate Full Screen Effects” button that is supposed to make changes for photosensitive players:


Now, I’m not entirely sure what that does, or how effective it is, but I would definitely recommend if you’ve got that on and you’re still seeing effects that bother you to loop in the Accessibility team at the link that Archspire gave.

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The thing is that it’s entirely possible for people to not know that they have photosensitive epilepsy until something triggers it like extreme game effects, a really intense effect can trigger reactions even in people who are only a little bit photoreactive and could’ve gone their whole lives without ever encountering something that trips it up. That Nintendo game back in the day is a good example.

Even one seizure can have dire effects. It’s like throwing out a fistful of thumbtacks on the floor. Probably people will see them and avoid them?

Better to just like…not.

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I have already spent hours watching videos designed to induce seizures. I get nothing. No reaction at all.

I gave up on it as a potential means of attaining altered consciousness. It ended up just proving to me that I can freely enjoy extreme effects and be fine. A bit boring, I guess, but the opportunity it affords me is to fully enjoy and experience things that would give other people epileptic events.

I like to utilize whatever strengths I have in life. Unfortunately, most content of that type is simply redesigned and the original form is lost forever. So I have, as of yet, been able to extract much benefit from my apparent resistance to epilepsy.

I get that you’re mostly asking to have a slider for people who know that they’re fine and I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but I’m just saying, that’s why they pull back on effects by default, and why they might even shy away from having an option like that.

They generally put in effects that aren’t as cranked up and out there as they possibly can be because being in the news for making a bunch of people who didn’t realize they had photosensitive epilepsy have seizures is bad PR (see: Pokemon, Cyberpunk 2077). People might end up playing around with a setting like that only to discover, whups, I guess I do have a bit of photosensitive epilepsy.

The problem is that playing around with it, finding out and having even just the one seizure event can have fairly dire effects. Even if you’re fully aware that you’re fine, other people might not be.


Yeah, I guess. It kinda sucks for me, but I understand. I guess I should just be happy that it doesn’t affect me that way.

And there’s always dubstep lyrics videos. If you’re curious why I bring those up regarding epilepsy, youtube search for “dubstep lyrics.” I won’t post one here, because they pose a significant seizure risk.

The graphic settings don’t really help, and I think part of that reason is because Blizz may not fully understand what photosensitivity encompasses. Strobe-flashing is surely part of it, and that may be circumvented by playing with Gamma and Contrast, but strobe lighting is not all there is to photosensitive-triggers: motion, light-patterns, and even angles play a big role (camera collapse settings are awful). To that end, lowering character settings and graphic settings only works insofar as the game effects don’t override that setting with other effects. For example, for me certain dungeons and bosses are out of the question irrespective of how low settings are (including accessibility). OP has seen me go through this as we go through M+, but primarily, these bosses:

  1. Xy’exa’
  2. Zo’phex’s
  3. SOTFO (everything but Skolex)

I suppose Blizz ought to consider bringing in some research and allowing for more expansive user-control of the game experience. Not every spell or effect needs to be a bombastic holy nova.

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I have to agree,even bro has problem with the flashing and flicking due to his stroke.

If there is a program- addon or whatever please let me know about it.