Collection of Talent Ideas for Dragonflight

So, after seeing how I and others are not quite happy with the DK Talent Trees as they are, I would like to start a Thread simply to collect ideas for potential Talent Nodes for the general Tree and the speccs, along with some notes how to implement it ,or what the intention behind them is.
Suggestions how to adjust existing Nodes to better fit are also welcome.

General Tree:

  • Superstrain - Simply the SL Legendary
  • Improves Raise Ally - Removes the RP cost of Raise Ally and revives them with full health
  • Fleeting Winds - the SL Conduit
  • Improved AMS - Also removes all existing magic debuffs upon activation
  • Improved Death Grip- Reduces the Cooldown and removes it from the GCD
  • Improved Raise Dead - Replaces the Ghoul with a ranged minion of some kind.
  • Dark Succor - Completely missing from Dragonflight right now.
  • Crypt Fever - Improces all DK Diseases to apply a Raiddebuff. e.g. 5% magic damage.
  • Death’s Flight - Replaces Death Grip, Pulls the DK to the Target.
  • Frost Aura - Reduces Magic damage taken and Avoidance of allies within 40 yard by 3%
  • Unholy Aura - Increases Haste of all allies within 40 yards by 3%
  • Blood Aura - Increases Healing received and Leech by all allies withing 40 yards by 3%
  • Death’s Certainty - Death Strike, Death Coil and Frost strike reduce the cooldown of Death and Decay by 2 Seconds
  • Runic Tattoos - Increases Maximum Runic Power by 10/20 and Runic Power Generation by x/2x%
  • Ice in your Veins - Death Strike heals x% more while Icebound Fortitude is active.

Unholy Tree:

  • Runic Feeding - x% of the runic power you spend is transfered to your ghoul as energy
  • Wandering Plague - When your diseases damage and enemy, they have a chance to spread to new enemies.
  • Spreading Epidemic - Enemies damaged by your Epidemic are infected with virulent plague.
  • Festering Plague - When bursting a wound on an enemy infected by virulent plague, all enemies within x yards are infected with virulent plague.
  • Necrotic Strike - When bursting a wound with Scourge Strike, the enemy is infected with a necrotic plague , dealing Shadowdamage over 6 seconds.
  • Festering Blade - Melee Attacks deal 30% Shadowdamage and have a chance to apply/burst a festering wound
  • Necrotic Plague - As it was in WoD
  • Tak’theritrix’s Command - Legion Legendary, Dark Transformation also Buffs Gargoyle and Army Ghouls.
  • Shambler - The Shadowlands Legendary. Maybe change it to be a use with 1min cd.
  • Improved Apocalypse - Apocalypse no longer bursts wounds and always summons 4/5/6 Ghouls ( Tuning number, not meant to be a multi point Talent)
  • Necrotic Bargain - Apocalypse no longer summons ghoul, but infects the enemy with a Necrotic Plague, dealing Shadowdamage over 15s. Does not consume wounds/give runes.
  • Blighted Rune Weapon - Your next 5 Auto Attacks infect your Target with a Festering Wound (1min cd)
  • Unholy Frenzy - Replaces Unholy Assault. 20s Haste Buff(Fits Festermight), Auto attacks during the duration infect the enemy with a festering Wound. Just plain old Unholy Frenzy, before SL Beta changed it in an attempt to fix our opener and made it simply , in my opinions, worse than before.
  • Castigator - Replaces Infectios Wounds. When criting, Festering Strike generates an addtional wound and scourge Strike bursts an additional wound
  • Necrosis - Dealing damage with Death Coild increases the Damage of your next Scourge Strike/Clawing Shadows by x%
  • Harrowing Decay - [Death Coil infects the target with Harrowing Decay, dealing x Shadow damage over 4 sec. Maybe tie it to sudden doom.
  • Bone Growing Juice - During Dark Transformation, your Size, Strength and Stamina are increased. Maybe make this a choice node to replace DT, allowing a less pet reliant playstyle.
  • Lone Knight - Increases your damage by x% when you have no pet summoned.
  • Undertakers Crown - Lichborne causes you to Radiate Death Coils to your enemies.
  • The Horsemen’s Call - Choice node with Army of the Dead. Instead summons the four Horsemen to aid you in Battle.
  • Bone Harvester - Just the Torghast Power.Death Coil deals extra damage over 5s allows them to be reanimated as a Skulker or Magus. Maybe tie it to Soul Reaper instead, to limit the potency. Needs some tuning, but would be a lot of fun!
  • Plaguebringer - Torghast again. Just tie it to Wound Bursts instead and give it a chance like 10% to trigger.
  • Empowered Doom - Your Death Coils (and Epidemics) empowered by Sudden Doom deal 25%/50% increased damage.
  • Harbringer of Doom(Adjustment)- Sudden Doom triggers 100% more often and can accumulate up to 2 charges. This Talent needs massive buffs to even be considered.
  • Rapid Decay - The tickrate of all diseases now scales with haste. Does not effect duration.

Major thanks to Taeznak here. Many of these points are taken straight from his post, which goes into far more detail than my simple listing here:

Frost Tree:

  • Glacial Strikes - Your Obliterates consuming Killing Machine have a chance to send a Glacial Advance towards your target
  • Unleashed Frenzy (Adjustment) - Add Chillstreak and Glacial Advance to the potential triggers.
  • Obliteration(Adjustment) - Add Chillstreak and Glacial Advance to the potential triggers.
  • Icecap(Adjustment) - Add Chillstreak and Glacial Advance to the potential triggers.
  • Frozen Pulse(Adjustment) - Give it a duration of 2-3s after gaining a 4th full rune. Allows some lenience when proccing Frigid Executioner, Murderous Efficiency and Empower Rune Weapon at the same trime. FDK has too much random Generation to make it viable atm. I think a short Buff after breaking that threshold would go a long way.

Otherwise, pretty happy with how Frost is looking.

I have no major ideas for Blood either, since I’m mostly comeing from a DPS perspective, though I invite everyone to share their ideas for Blood here aswell.

Again, I hope this will become a collection of Ideas from the DK community and Invite everyone to share anything they would like to see in the Talent Trees in some form.


May I suggest making Unleashed Frenzy last longer and not the only talent that bottlenecks the left side of the Frost tree?

Also suggesting keeping Shackle the Unworthy, Swarming Mist and Death’s Due (the strength increase one, not the Obliterate cleave)

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Mostly on board with all this tbh.

I’d like to see a talent that buffs glacial advance instead of using the tier set bonus (even something as simple as dealing more damage / applying more RI stacks to the primary target)

Frost strike could use some more love even with passives like latent chill and eradicating blow because it’s super underwhelming to press in current state

Superstrain would be an awesome option for class tree that could be fun

Something to buff wraith walk and make it last longer or allow casts during the channel would be a nice bonus (especially if they make it baseline by default)

Would love to see lichborne get the damage reduction passive so there’s more incentive to pick it up

UH tree needs major path adjustments and options for petless or dot-based builds to expand upon its class fantasy. Also please buff Gary so it’s actually a worthwhile capstone talent.
Expanding upon pure necromancer fantasy would also be a cool feature for UH.

And for the love of all that is unholy, do not make blood dks spec so many points into having a viable hp pool. Veteran passives shouldn’t even be on the tree.


dont forget the heal absorb

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Not intended as a heal absorb, that would be pretty useless as a pve skill.
Just thought I’d use the name, since it was removed and is quite fitting for the proposed mechanic.

putting it back in as a pve spell would be double down on pvpers since they took it away and gave us discount MS isntead

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Why? Why a chance on a chance on a chance?

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I have been saying for a while, but the spell reanimation entirely adds a layer of necromancer gameplay, they need to move the spell to the PVE tree or add a PVE version of the spell. the shambler could work like that if it had the same cost: 1 rune, no CD.


Death strike doesn’t have a cooldown. And as a damaging ability it certainly should not be of gcd.

Death grip and amz need to be off gcd.

I would like to see some additions to MotFW to really bring it inline with DW so they function at a similar level, maybe even better in some niche aspects since we have to spend a talent. GA applying more than 1 stack of RI when using a 2h would be nice. Or it should just have it’s cooldown removed in general since it’s a bit of an underwhelming talent and it would be nice to have a reliable alternative way to gain RI stacks to open up runeforge options.


it’s not really a damaging ability for unholy and frost. its part of our defensive toolkit, as a defensive, it should be off the gcd

Wouldn’t it be weird to have an ability cost RP that can be spammed off the gcd? Like insta triple death strike seems a bit odd.

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I like to think that when an ability that costs RP suggested to be spammed off GCD, I think it probably means that ability have their own Global Cooldown and not shared with other abilities.

Something I’d like to see Presences do.

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off the GCD doesn’t mean it has no CD at all, it can have the same haste based CD as the GCD, but is not linked to the GCD, that way you can hit it during a GCD in an emergency but not double or triple tap it.


typo on my side, was supposed to be Death Grip, edited.

Don’t think Death Strike off gcd would make any sense.