Azure Span? More like Azure LAG!

This zone is so poorly optimized right now. It is nearly unplayable. Case studies will be done on how not to make a zone.


Trying to do the advanced dragon races there and its impossible. Every input for my dragon takes over a second to do, so races cannot be completed in time. GG blizz.


oh glad it’s not just me lol


Probably due to the 1000000 people farming the rep for the ring in the North. Congesting the zone/phase. Just a thought. Could be wrong.


Not to mention everyone that is killing mobs for flash frozen meat for the mount


Not me all gold nearly first try with all of them… /shrug

Tbh I haven’t seen any issues that people have been complaining about.

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Just decided to log off for the evening. The lag was horrible and was the topic of the zone wide chat. Everyone was having huge issues. It’s honestly unplayable currently. Not sure about other servers but The Forgotten Coast is lag heavy. I didn’t notice lag early on in the week. I know there are tons of people farming things there but that’s what layering is supposed to fix I thought. (shrugs) Maybe better luck in the coming days.


Honestly I didn’t notice any issue there til today when there were a couple of big world quests up. Otherwise haven’t had issue there outside of that.

The lag is so bad in this zone right now it’s virtually unplayable on Thrall.

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Its almost unplayable right now


Agreed… been thoroughly the expansion right up till i was sent to Azure Span… then everything stopped being enjoyable… instant cast spells taking 3 seconds… loot lag, quest window lag… just logged off frustrated…


Whisperwind checking in, the lag is terrible in this zone. 40ms ping but big delays just looting and combat making it very difficult to leveling here. :frowning:

Are only full servers having problems? Hyjal is fine.

Looks like it is a problem only in overpopulated realms.
Everything is fine for me while playing my main char at Azure Span.

Anub’arak here. Questing through the story and finally hit that zone. I thought something wrong on my end, restarting PC and internet didn’t help of course. Glad it’s not just me.
Had to call it a night, completely unplayable.

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Yeah, I’m trying to complete the Sojourner achievement but it might have to wait. I was fighting a 0 health mob for 5 minutes lol

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Stormrage cobalt zone unplayable. The rest of the server also under serious lag. 10 seconds to sell an item to a vendor…almost like during launch.

/Small indie company


Does anyone know if Blizzard has acknowledged this at all? It seems it’s affecting a lot of different servers and it’s getting exponentially worse as time goes on.

Oh great…was just about to start this zone tonight, there’s only two places left and I just hit 68 :upside_down_face:

I enjoy being lagged out of the Community Feast event for nearly 5min unable to do any tasks therefore missing out on Rep.

Please fix this.