PC Beta is Now Live!

PC Beta is Now Live!

Celebrate the launch of the PC beta with us! Log in for Rewards, get Twitch Drops, check out the Winter Veil event, unlock the new Split Leaders and more!

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You sure about that? Are you REALLY sure about it being “Now Live!”


It was, now updating it deletes it from your PC, did Blizz pull the launch?

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thats what im saying, its technically not “live” anymore cuz nobody can launch the damn thing.

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How about you guys stop trying to move forward with things like a PC release when you can’t even get your rewards system working correctly for holiday events, or dark moon fair… You owe many people a lot of reimbursements for missed rewards.

If you try to claim that can’t be done,… I’m going to call you out and remind everyone how you punished players for your mistake that allowed players to earn extra gold by completing extra surge events. You were able to track every extra gold that players earned and take it all back putting many players in the negative.

Hello, it will be late the Mac pc Version ? or not ?

Why are you bringing new features… when the game is plagued by your manufactured problems? It’s not very wise of you blizzard. You need to fix the AI cheating difficulty that you put on players, to manipulate us into being upset, frustrated, angry etc. if I am the same level as my opponent, then based on my SKILL, I should theoretically be able to overcome and win, but I am so tired of you guys trying to rip us off to our faves, steal our time, waste our efforts, when this is what you’re doing to us. You give your AI twice as many troops as us regular players, so that despite our skill level, it’s virtually impossible to win… UNLESS WE PAY MONEY. You always start off matches showing us a chest of gold we COULD have, but then the enemy gets to it comically immediately, every time, and there’s nothing for us to do, except feel rushed and frustrated. Manipulative behavior is all blizzard knows, that’s why Microsoft bought you out, because you’re so obviously just scamming millions of Americans with your fake games. Why not show some integrity and make an easy, medium, and hard difficulty, that is not VAGUE like showing green yellow and red, because in that regard there’s no consistency, I will lose to green colored maps, and win reds, so it makes no sense. You’re trying to lose players in your little manipulative manufactured chaos, so that we are distracted from the manipulative mechanics you use, which are super predictable and obvious, and it all points towards you being unethical, dishonest, and manipulative to emotionally cause children to cry and make them spend money to make the game “fun again” like when we first started playing, and you didn’t use cheating AI against us? Yeah.

Been playing some mobile beta and disappointed there’s still not really any social features. At the very least, I would really like it if you could do raids with friends instead of only guild mates or random people via open queue. I’m in a guild that’s full but would like to play with a friend and that’s just not possible right now.