Ignore him he is just trolling
Lore isn’t a hill just like some other bumblekings in another thread are insisting that Jaina having only one shoulder pad is wrong lore.
Do the events still happen in a clear, faithful order with or without Arthas being on some elevation: Y/N?
If you are going through the effort to re-do all these maps, paying money for people to make these changes, should those changes be arbitrary or helpful?
They should be helpful, yes. If they’re arbitrary I, personally, probably won’t notice that much within reason.
And, lo, a forum thread of such promise and hope was then dashed into tiny bits by two dicks who couldn’t agree to disagree, but must have thier own views spouted forth by the other. And thus was the internet held to status quo for another day…
Agreeing to Disagree is the most passive aggressive way to do nothing, you do realize that right? I’m fine with other opinions, but “You’re wrong.” Isn’t really another opinion.
when you have a fan base that claps at every rehashed stuff you throw at them, you don’t need quality, or story, or anything… ask youtubers…boy do they know about it
I have to agree with you that it will be better to see it fit, because as it stands now the locations are way off from wc3 to wow. Also the lore version of the invasion is so much better than the original wc3 version so I hope to see Arthas freezing the sea to cross to get to the sunwell
While that is cool, that would change and diminishing the role sylvanas played during the campaigns as the defender and martyr of quelthalas, I don’t think she would stand out too much as she did in the original campaign… Moreover that would be a complete change of the map, not small details adding into the lore… Sylvanas originally destroyed one bridge, that had a way lesser body of water separating them, forcing Arthas, to make his way through the woods, if Arthas is capable of freezing water, he would do it by this time, so they would have to completely remake the whole zone and objective, same thing if they decide to cut the bridge scene, aswell as it would dramatically shorten the experience, because in the game, the invasion of the island is throu zeppelin, which was strategically difficult because they could get destroyed and kill all your units, and you couldn’t call for more land air… Unless u were good micromanaging… Making a bridge would make it way more easy… What works in the novels doesn’t necessarily work in the games…
Anasterian fight would be a cool addition nonetheless… I’d like to see that
Totally agreed that would be a good addition
Since this is a Warcraft 3 remake and not a sequel to Warcraft 3, I think lore-wise, things should remain consistent or unchanged from how they were presented in the original game. Redesigning maps/campaigns to more closely fit the concept art etc is fine but I think relocating certain places or changing characters based on lore in WoW (a series of events that takes place after the events of WCIII), should be left for a WC4 game.
Example, Tandred Proudmoore was declared non-canonical in 2011 but then suddenly shows up canon during the events of BFA and is now canon. Retconning Tandred into WC3 would change central elements of the WC3 story and no longer make it feel like the same game people remember (a big attraction to buying WC3 Reforged).
If at some point in the far future Blizzard did revive RTS games and release a WC4 then I think it would be totally fair to have it coincide with the lore of WoW, (new canon characters, retconned changes to existing characters, WoW-modified regions such as the Cataclysm barrens or Legion/BFA Silithus).
Totally agreed, another big problem with adding post warcraft 3 Canon, is that it raises more questions than answers… The lore that was in the game worked, in the case we just mentioned, is not just about adding cool stuff, but adding logic into why everything is happening… Every action and reaction, the only reason Arthas raises sylvanas, is because sylvanas is the only one who stood against him in fight and gave him the most troubles out of all other characters… Why? Because Arthas by that time is that, a prick king, who doesn’t like when things don’t go his way, if anasterian actually stand his own and gives Arthas so much problems… Like the bridge (originally sylvanas destroyed it and by how Arthas reacts its one of the things that really pissed him off), why didn’t he raise anasterian? What better way to destroy the moral of the high elves than raising their king?, post warcraft 3 lore gives anasterian a way bigger role during the invasion than sylvanas’., to this date i wonder why he raised sylvanas and not anasterian, being the person who gave him the most problems and even damage invincible… For me that’s a big plot hole