Why did you update my game without my permission

It seems pretty stupid and shady to remove content and change menus for a single player game I’ve owned for almost 10 years without asking if I wished to upgrade.

What is the reasoning behind this? What gain do you have from me using your new client as opposed to me being completely satisfied with the old one? Is it purely so you can tell me I need to buy reforged anytime I want to play it?

Also I heard content was removed for being too offensive. Can you imagine booting up your Sega Genesis to play Mortal Kombat one day only to find that the developers had taken your copy, destroyed it, and replaced it with a censored version?


if you wish to play the old TFT on older patches you can still do that, just place the original CD in your computer, install but do not update it. If you do not have a CD you can find downloads via the internet.

All blizzard did was shutdown the old servers for Bnet, with the old ranking system and profiles. They did not owe you free servers for life, they gave us free servers for WC3 for 17-18 years. Now they decided they cant run multiple separate servers, and it would be better if all players were on the same server.

So they basically gave you Reforged for free as compensation for your loss… but the original game is still accessible

Because Bliz owns the game, not us. We simply pay to have access to it. Thus, they can do whatever they want to it.

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They “upgrade” my local copy, and I’m fairly certain you can’t even play Warcraft III now without downloading patches because the install is locked behind a key.

5 years ago blizzard released an HD upgrade to the Warcraft III client which made the game actually playable on modern computers, and that patch is now impossible to play without doing illegally.

It’s no more illegal than installing an old version from your own disk and using a saved patch. No matter where you get it or what version you patch to, it still requires keys to play, which you should have if you were already playing.

i have multiple copies of wc3 backed up on several different computers, each one is on a different version of the game, I liked having 1.26 for W3Arena before that was shutdown

I also have Reforged too

like I said I specifically have the old TFT on patch 1.26 on my PC along with Reforged… you are just more prone to being salty instead of fixing the problem you have

Yes, I can install the original game released in 2002 in glorious 480p assuming the key works offline, and assuming the game will even work on my PC without toying with configs for 2 hours, which it might. However, I can’t play the patch released in 2015 that actually made the game look alright on modern PCs and easy to play.

I’m now forced to three options. One, use an ugly client with censored elements. Two, use a 2002 copy of the game that looks like garbage. Three, download a patch illegally to play the game I actually want to play.

This is all singleplayer, mind you. I don’t care about multiplayer garbage. It should have asked when I launched the game if I wanted to upgrade, instead of stealth updating the files on my computer without my permission.

just download this —> Where is the PTR download now?

it will give you back the full original TFT on patch 1.31 and its only a few GB in size

you mean interacting with friends is garbage? what a horrible concept

It will. Back then, it didn’t check against anything online when entering them. As for your 480p, patch it.

As I said, getting a patch offline is no more illegal, which is not at all, than using one you saved yourself. People have saved various versions over time, and all versions were intended for everyone

This does work, thank you. How long before Blizzard removes this too, though?

as we already said several times, it is possible to have older patches (without using ptr) did you forget?

Even if they removed ptr it would just remove your ability to play on the ptr server everything else including lan play still would work

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