Who else? hehe

Who else REFUSED to purchase a “remater/reforge/rehash/rererererererere” of an old game with out first seeing a final product?


Who else is extremely happy they didn’t waste money on it and still gets to play the original classic?


People never learn I guess… stop paying companies money before they have something to offer. Once they hit a quota of monetization they have ZERO incentive to develop a product. They can put out anything knowing a blind/gullible fan base will always provide revenue.

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Well I think it’s more of a mistake to pre-order a game the same day it’s announced, months or years before the game is actually released. If you do that, you’re not guaranteed a game, and you may not be able to get a refund once it actually comes out.

Usually it’s safe to buy a game right after it comes out, because you can always get a refund. You could have bought it today and played it just to try it out, and if you didn’t like it, you could have gotten a refund.

That’s what happened to me. I bought this game today right after it came out (no pre-order) thinking it would be Warcraft 3 brought up to date. Well I played it and was severely disappointed. There were so many issues that I ended up getting a refund.

This other thread I created lays out all my experiences, so you can see what buying and playing this game is like: Launch Day Gameplay Video Showcasing Bugs and Errors