Where can I play classic TFT without Reforged?

I was in the middle of a campaign playthrough when bnet decided to automatically update my WC3/TFT install to a Reforged install automatically, turning my 3gb install to into a 30gb trash heap I wanted nothing to do with.

Blizzard, I don’t want multiplayer. I just want classic WC3/TFT without the unncessary Reforged addons.

You have taken it from me. Please give it back.

Thank you.


download the PTR client and launch it from the game executable (not the launcher) so it never updates

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where? well certainly not from blizzard themselves, you can use the PTR build that was updated to the last version before reforged but not sure if you can play online with that, your other options are using a torrented old copy and play on private servers/LAN emulator such as gameranger or hamachi, using ENT connect services will also allow to host you older versions aswell

thank you I will download PTR now.


If you still have the original disks, you can install those, then get the latest non-garbage patch from one of the many mirrors out there on the internet, and just DO NOT update it. Don’t ever click the battle.net button (since it’s offline anyway it wouldn’t do any good).

Hey, you can download the PTR build which works for singleplayer, but I don’t believe it supports LAN. While i was able to get into LAN, i couldn’t get anyone on my VLAN to connect to me.

You can also download older clients. Check out this thread: For those who want to play Classic Warcraft 3