When zooming out on the World Editor the map slowly goes black...

First of all, sorry if this is in the wrong place. First time posting on the forums. Let me explain my problem.

I only just recently downloaded Warcraft 3 after hearing that you get it for free when you preorder the Reforged version. (thank you blizzard) Whenever I start creating a map and I zoom out to either place trees or whatever the screen slowly turns black. To explain further, whenever I zoom out a part of the screen goes black until I zoom out far enough that the entire screen is black. Zooming back in takes away the blackness. This isn’t a editing-breaking issue, but it is really annoying since I can’t edit large parts of the map at once. This does not happen at all in the actual game, just the World Editor. I’d love some help.

I have attached an image showing the issue. As you can see, the minimap in the top left corner isn’t going black just the main screen. Thanks for reading and sorry once again if this is the wrong place to post this. :smiley:

Imigur Picture

Hold control while you zoom in or out to adjust that.

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but, it always been that way, since i start maps creation at v1.08… so whats wrong ?

To be honest with you… if you cant figure that out its perhaps better u dont make maps for us

Hold Controll, AND use mouse wheel to adjust it.

Hey so i know how that works, but i use a camera that is at 6000 height, and i would love to know how to remove that black area in game …

Dude you can raise or lower the height, at least in the editor, just crtl+shift+up/down so you can enlarge your view in the editor. In game, 6000 is a limit of fog distance.