When is this game going to be finished

Well, you see, it cannot be finished. There is no financial incentive for anyone to finish it. Who would do that? What, are you a masochist?


good one lol

But also I’m serious

This is not the behaviour of a professional company


At this point, “frakking never” seems to be the correct answer.


I honestly kept thinking that what is not the behavior of the professional company would be to keep sinking money into a project that had seen too many refunds. And, to me, that’s very unfortunate. Because I hope for a bright future for Warcraft III.

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You did not mention, conveniently, that the game got so many refunds precisely BECAUSE a “professional company” failed not only to deliver what it promised, but failed to deliver a working product. It’s not even a game made from the ground-up. It’s a remaster. And they are still struggling to fix it to this day.

This is, indeed, not a behaviour of a professional company.

Because I hope for a bright future for Warcraft III.

We are long past such hopes. Open your eyes.


It will never be finished. Activision (there are no blizzard anymore) is not financially interested in this project. It’s dead


Let’s talk properly Blizzard killed the project a month or two after it was announced and had the experience of ripping off players with the cadaber. I can’t.

the doubt still remains. why sinolemene nl
or did the game end and he kept all the money? Why pay for hundreds of models that are barely used once but not invest in code or playable models that are used all the time?

No Blizzard is far from even acting like a stingy company. He’s just acting stupid.


This is another point of view that also makes sense…

In two decades when we have to pay another 30€ to remaster and finish the remake for modern systems.


Versus is playable.
Is that different from ladder?

Guess in the same way that a match is different from a tournament…


how long do u think its gonna be till ladder/clans/live obs/ other features will be put back in the game lol

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This is hilarious but true that there probably isn’t a financial incentive to finish the game. Letting Blizzard off the hook because of that is unacceptable though. They sold the product. They should finish what they sold.

I’m also more questioning whether this is a Blizzard decision or just a really really really really really really really bad war3 dev team.


probably never since there is no money to be made there is no incentive to finish it


lol literally i have opened tickets and they are sending me to forums in order to reach war3 devs, which NOBODY RESPONDS, OK


They won’t be. Ever.

That’s the whole point of the thread.


We got all scammed by the pre-purchase… that’s the truth…
For me it was “it’s Blizzard, it’s WC3, I’ll buy it!”. I don’t know if I can consider more “Blizzard” or “WC3” as a bait, but the mix WAS a pretty sure purchase.
The only thing they missed in their plan was the actual amount of refunds that was going to hit them.
So ye, why should they finish the product? To look professional? As the UI?^^


The weird thing is that it is a game that could sell an expansion every one or two years. You already have the stories, you just have to put in a new campaign. 4 or 8 new units some hero and that’s it.

They’d be blessing DLC for something that takes less than a year to make.

I mean literally one of the questions from the Fans is if they would bless DLC. I don’t understand how they missed such a great opportunity for easy money.