What's up with Grom's name replacement?

Hi, so I was playing through the first few campaign missions when I heard Thrall begin to say Grom’s name, but suddenly heard “HELLSCREAM” spliced in very badly instead. That was the first mission and I kinda just laughed it off. Well I’m all the way into the Orc campaign now and they’re still doing it. What is this? Is Thrall not allowed to say Grom’s name?

This is a youtube tier audio splice. It’s jarring and immediately noticeable. I haven’t got the foggiest idea why this is being done, but its weird and distracting. This is very, very deliberate, believe me when I say this is one of the ONLY changes that was made to the dialogue at all. What gives?

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Ye I was really wondering why that happened as well…I mean did they think new players would get confused if we would be talking about Grom and Hellscream in the same conversation, like they couldnt put the two names together or what? :smiley:

Just bizarre decision to be honest

I watched Grubbys stream of it and immediately noticed it when Thrall said “dammit Hellscream where the hell are you”?

It felt so out of place and so wrong, the frustrating part is they left in the “little brother” part.
Like if you’re trying to butcher it to remove any possible confusions (i have no idea how that’s possible either) regarding Grom, Grommash, WoD etc
Why the hell would you leave in the part where Grom calls Thrall his little brother? Over the years i’ve heard so many people unfamiliar with the lore think Grom and Thrall were actually related and quote that quote back to me as proof.

I understand why Grom calls Thrall little brother and have zero issues with him doing so, but i cannot for the life of me fathom why that was kept in and they removed all trace of “Grom”