What am I missing when it coems to 2v2?

First and foremost: I’m trash at this game. I know I’m trash at this game and will always be most likely, so I don’t need anyone here to tell me that.

That out of the way:

Since the early days, I’ve mainly played 1v1. Again, I’m not good by any means, but in 1v1 I can win games reasonably enough. In reforged I basically have always been hovering near the starting point on ranked.

2v2 is another matter. I can’t seem to win to save my life. And then as my rating decreases, I find myself getting matched with a similarly-rated partner but against above average ATs, which is pretty much an instant loss. Sometimes the gap between the two sides can be 1000 rating or more. I figure maybe they’re waiting a while so it matches them with anyone just so they can play? but it ends up being a horrible experience to the point that when i see these games, which is often, I end up just quitting immediately because I know it will be impossible. In 2s I’m now around 4000 and still losing. I really have no idea what I’m doing wrong. I do my utmost to follow along with my ally and cooperate, but I just get destroyed again and again, usually accompanied by “sh*t ally” comments (which get reported btw).

For those who have been there, done that, what am I missing? Is there something fundamental that is lost on me where I can perform just fine in 1v1 but get rekt in 2v2 time and time again? Is 2v2 just that much more competitive? 3s and 4s aren’t nearly as hard either.


…or just consider that many people is trying to win the game just relying on the ally, this is why 2v2 is more likely populated by less skilled players and while on 3v3 or 4v4 the lack of 1 player can be better compensated, when you lose 1 ally in 2v2 you basically have half of the power.
Maybe is also the silly matchmaking kicking in… who knows…

This is actually a rather large part of it. I know I’m bad, but I quit as many games as I straight up lost, because of horrendous matchups. Unfortunately, it seems as my MMR decreased, it only seemed to match me with higher ATs even more. There’s little point in matching them together with solos if the non-duo percieves that they have no chance. It’s not good for either group. Sure, leaving is a free win for the AT, but at the end of the day, they probably want to play actual games, especially considering that non 1v1 ladder only works like half the time at best.

I don’t like leaving those games, but when it matches two teams that are 1000 MMR apart, and the AT is the higher MMR side, well why should I waste my time on an impossible mission?

I do understand ur point in parts, but after all those patches why do you even look at mmr u should know that these numbers aint representative at all until the ladder has been reset & the system is actually working. I have seen players with 1500 mmr and less playing very decent how shall players like him gain mmr if ppl leaving because they think this match makes no sens to play caus its 1500 + 4200 vs 5050 + 4900 ? I do understand that it might be frustrating and at first it feel unfair but WE ALL KNOW THAT THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN and u should always give the game a chance, i can also understand that if ure mass gaming u tend to meet the same ppl often again sometimes immediately that’s true for RT same as AT that can be frustrating too especially if u think that u have no chance in that match up doesn’t really matters if you know the enemy players or its just the mmr LEAVING A RT MATCH AT THE START OF THE GAME WITHOUT CONSENT OF UR ALLY IS A NO GO and a very unmannered move … and should be reported all the time !

On the wasting time point if u play competitive ure expected to compete, no one expect u to be the best or beat the best but trying as best as u can that includes ‘‘fighting up hill’’ if u think only games that might be winnable are worth ur time u should get ur head straight. Also the games ure supposedly wasting ur time on are those games u should watch the replays of since ure facing players u think ure unable to win yet or allready lost to mb even often, they seemingly doing somthing right why not learn from that ?!

Wasting there time … U might face ppl who aktually think ure a waste of time to play against and typing that in chat, ignore that prove them wrong if u cant watch the replay do it better next game.
But if the game is lost be a decent person don’t delay the game
unnecessarily but i guess this is common sense.

  • quick note i really dont like that the mmr is displayd in the loading screen its seemingly a nice feature but, i see so many ppl getting
    unsettled/discouraged by this wich is big problem in every team size RT AT and leaving cos of it… this happens even to veteran player with years of experience which is concerning and sad at the same time.
    Thats why i would love to see that MMR in team games are only visible after the game that would negate alot of discouragement at the start of the game and help a lot to keep the teams mind set on a more healthy level.
    No one gets singled out or called out cous of there low/high mmr which can have an
    immediate effect on the team, and mostly leads to flame or thrash talk wich could be avoided.
    I do know that this might gonna happen anyways since ppl which play much gonna remember names but i think it would ez everthing up a little.

Im a little sad that i had to raise my voice here but this are things i did see on daily bases for quite a while now, this is also no attack on you Captainjack but i took the chance to say something about that matter generally. I hope i didn’t misspelled to much and ppl do understand what im trying to say im quite lit rn :four_leaf_clover: :fire:

anyways GL HF everyone stop looking at numbers keep grinding

They loosely represent a player’s record, even with the games t hat randomly get thrown out or turned into losses, the better players are still going to have more wins on their record than worse players. Yes, the system is both flawed and malfunctioning, but it isn’t completely meaningless. And I do win more games where the MMRs are more similar (or in my favor) between the two teams, so it isn’t completely without value.

As far as the impact of leaving these bad matchups, well first if the system did a better job we wouldn’t be leaving because the matchups would be closer. the WHOLE POINT of these matching systems and MMRs and stuff is to try to give the best possible experiences by pitting players that are close in skill level together. I’ve had some people ask me “why are u playing ranked if ur bad stop playing ranked!” And well, that is the reason. Everyone deserves good matches, and whether you’re good at the game or not, ranking systems exist in part to facilitate better quality matches.

Additionally, there’s the inherent flaw of the game matching premades against non-premades, which at any given MMR, is inherently stacked in favor of the premade team, who are in probability using voice chat, or at least know each other well and know how their partner(s) will react in any situation. Since these premade vs not matchups grant an inherent advantage to the premade team, when there’s also a huge rating gap because the system sucks at matching players, why SHOULDN’T I leave? If anything I’m doing them a favor by hopefully getting them to their expected MMR faster.

TL;DR: The topic of leaving games isn’t the reason I made the thread, but IMHO the negative experience of playing a game you can’t win outweighs the experience of wanting to play a game but having your intimidated opponents leave on the spot.

Wasting there time … U might face ppl who aktually think ure a waste of time to play against and typing that in chat, ignore that prove them wrong if u cant watch the replay do it better next game.

IMHO the learning value in rewatching a total blowout is small. Games where there is a skill difference but a small one makes it easier to identify specifically what your opponent(s) did better than you and what things you did well. I’m not going to back down from a battle against a modestly stronger opponent, only in cases where the matching system is clearly giving me the finger and it’s obvious what the outcome is going to be. Just like you, I don’t want this to happen at all, and if the matching system actually waited a short period of time to see if it can make a better match before finalizing the one it picked out, the results would be a lot better, matchupes would be closer, and people would be far less likely to leave games for not being able to win them.

(Keep in mind there’s still a lot of crash bugs, and such and not every person who “leaves” at the start of the game made a deliberate decision to do so. In fact if you see a leave the game message the instant the game screen appears, it’s probably because they crashed during loading.

Frankly right now this is necessary, because it highlights how much the system is failing at it’s job right now. If we could trust the system to deliver good matchups most of the time, then it wouldn’t be necessary to have this information.

And I think we have a right to know if solos are being matched against premades, because again, that’s inherently unfair. Yes, the wait times would be a lot worse if AT was isolated from RT, but it degrades match quality. I’m willing to wait a certain amount of time for a good matchup.

after ppl lost hundred’s or even thousand’s of mmr points after 1 one game and the other ways around i would argue that its is until a reset or new season.
i actually see some points differently but im not here to argue

Well mainly my reason in making this thread wasn’t to discuss that issue at all. I was hoping for some basic, general teamplay advice. Because since I can play the game at least somewhat competently in 1v1, I seam to be absolutely balls at 2v2. And given that I understand the core gameplay mechanics, I feel like there’s something specific to the 2v2 environment that I’m just not getting.

I know some people have had issues like this, but I’ve yet to encounter a player rated lower than me that was substantially better to where I could say that they deserved to be rated like 1000 points higher. Because of this, I think anyone that had this issue either stopped playing (at least ranked) entirely, or t hey started fresh on a different game mode / race combination.

Further, the games against 1000+ higher rated ATs that I actually decided to play out, I got crushed about as hard as I would have expected. So again, for these reasons I don’t think it’s totally without merit.