Warden - is too weak

Please for next patch increase Warden’s knife top damage to 300 or at least 250.
Also the most important thing : Blink now costs 10 manna, and is too much. Should be free -like Far seer vision, or let’s say 5 manna to be able to evade battles.
Otherwise Blink is useless.

Also final ability, [Avatar of Vengeance] is just a bad Joke, really do you think we can compare this ability with other heroes ?

(I want in 2023 that Warden Maiev finally reach Ilidan :revolving_hearts: and other Heroes)

Just stop it, 10 mana is nothing and they nerfed blink cool down from 1 second to whatever it is now.

Fan of Knives and Shadow Strike are such good abilities that if anything some people would want them nerfed. Avatar is really good too.

Seriously what are you on about?

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Yes seriously!
There was a ranking of heroes, sure first’s were archmage + blademaster, and Warden was on the end of the list.
Avatar can be destroyed too easy, and damage anyway is not so great. What can you do about Mass Teleport or Bladestorm, or Starfall? Or Revive of tauren, Earthquake, Volcano? Can you destroy those abilities like the weak Avatar?

A lot of times I found myself without manna => Blink is not usable.
Paired with the fact that Warden has the smallest hit points among heroes, makes her also weaker.
Fan of knives at level 3 does 190 damage, you can hit like max. 2x during one combat and in average knives reach 3 enemy units. Is not too much, if you have Knights or Tauren with armor is nothing. Is just good to harass peasants.
Blademaster with critical strike at level 3 with one hit can kills almost any unit. AM can summon 3 -4 big water elementals with higher damage. Panderan flame also way better, can destroy entire armies. Also chain lightning is better ability.
So please make Warden stronger Hero!

The easier way for everone would be, that you become a better player.

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I am not talking only about myself. Check overall Hero statistics.
And you will see that I am right !

warden has to be balanced around having moonwells and shadowmeld.

combined with NE wisp positioning and staff of teleportation she can inflict unmatched harassment, not to mention assassination of fragile/wounded units.

She has 4 good spells plus is agility and very fast, so even slight buffs can make her crazy too strong vs certain matchups.

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and your point is what? Honestly it was fine in classic war3 Literally its not a big deal requiring thought process, and the item drops are so randomize you cant exel in agility … beside if you knew how to use any heros they were all great and goddly with overpowered set ups, its not just the warden. This is why i don’t tolerate nerfs when they are unneeded just because a few whiny babys don’t realize you can literally god mode any hero on any race. Also you are incorrect blademaster on orc could always do more harassment than warden, as could archmage, or undead cryptlord if you knew how to use them, every race could have “unmatched harassment” so shut up lol

I repeat : Check overall Hero statistics.
And you will see that I am right, Warden is one of the Weakest!

It is just that NE has too many good options and can play any of their heroes as start, not about Warden being too bad…

You must be joking talking about free blinking and increased FoK dmg