Warcraft III Version 1.32.1 Patch Notes

Honestly. Communication has been terrible from Blizzards side. i started out the campaign with reforged assets refunded it. And suddenly all my campaign progress is reset.

This is why you have a QA department. a well funded QA department that isn’t broken up in the middle of development.

Hi Blizzard, I’d like to work for you. I won’t back down on issues that makes the game great. You can either let me make the great again. or fire me .

Will travel.

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Hi Guys,

I wonder whether these are actualy noticeable improvements in the cutscenes? Or just some insignificant details you must try hard to even notice in the first place?

My point is, we all know what was advertised in terms of The Culling campaign cutscenes. And yes, Blizzard should indeed provide those cutscenes.

That said, SOME cutscenes are good. Not “Culling like” good, but for example Arthas claiming Frostmourne isquite an improvement against classic in my opinion. Many others, ironically including the Culling cutscene itself, were unfortunately really weak at launch.

So, has anyone seen some meaningful improvements to the cutscenes after this patch?

I’ve refunded the game but if cutscenes were to be improved at least to the Arthas claiming Frostomurne level, I would really consider returning.

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I’m with you on that. Generally it’s a systemic problem across all their games.

That’s a good example of poor communication. What you experienced is how it’s intended to work. But we’ve had to figure that out on our own.

It’s relatively insignificant unless there’s something to compare to side-by side.

There is one instance that I outright noticed, though (and it wasn’t an improvement) in the interlude “Jaina’s Meeting”. In the original game, when the camera pans down toward the ground and angles upward, for a split second you see a tiny sliver of the edge of the map off in the distance. Barely noticeable. However, in the Reforged client, the changed pan & angle shows the edge of the map much sooner and a much larger chunk of it.



Thanks Leviathan. Too bad - I was hoping that maybe they would improve the cutscenes, if not actually deliver what was advertised in the first place. Making more close ups and adding gestures would really make a big difference IMO.

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I’m unable to make progress in Classic mode. I made it to chapter 4 in the prologue in the new reforged mode, switched to classic and only had chapter 2 unlocked. Played through chapter 2 and it still hasn’t unlocked chapter 3 in classic mode. Any help? Known issue?

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Still cannot progress past the second mission of Exodus of the Horde in Classic mode. Here is how I would describe the bug:

When the completion cinematic finishes, you don’t get the little dialogue window which normally says ‘Continue’ and ‘Quit’. Instead, you are immediately taken back to the campaign selection screen. When you go back to the Exodus of the Horde campaign, expecting to be able to select the next mission, it’s simply not there.

This should really be fixed ASAP, if new players have bought the game and can’t even progress after half an hour in-game, they’re going to leave and never come back.


I was told on reddit that classic only ever had 2 chapters and the new chapters are a reforged exclusive. So this was just unknown to me, sorry for noise.

Oh no, poor blizzard has to deal with all the meanie customers they sold an unfinished product, that is also inferior to the original and makes it near unplayable as well. We should be so glad they’ve taken time out of their day to try and fix this mess…


Mejores retratos , de este viejo juego del 2004


For those who had the classic, in addition to losing functionality, now has the sepia game?

nvidia gtx960m and i7-6700HQ, 16GB Ram, sadly after the update im getting mini freezes and fps drops almost all the time when playing with reforged settings. Its annoying when playing versus or custom games, building/selecting something for the first time or when a unit comes out fps drops happen making the game not good to play… :frowning:
Before the patch it was kinda better at least for my system dunno how others are doing… Any updates on fixes ? playing with classic settings has 0 problems, but i got this game to play with reforged settings and its sad when its not working properly even with a good gaming system.


I keep getting thrown out of games without a “disconnected’ or any message whatsoever. Just in chat you see " has left xxxx game”
It is getting so frequent it is making the entire game unplayable. Classic user on reforge. 2 days till next patch. (I assume weekly pathces) Better be fixed.

  • No Ladder
  • No Online Profiles
  • No Online Chatrooms
  • No Ingame Stats
  • No Properly Working MMR
  • No Custom Games
  • Enormous Laggs
  • Huge Bug: Can’t Interrupt The Process Of Searching A Game
  • Huge Bug: Random Disconnects
  • Huge Bug: The Process Of Searching A Game Is Interrupted By Opening A Browser / etc., Though It Says, It Is (Still) Searching A Game
  • Huge Bug: Random Disconnects / Attempts Stopping The Process Of Searching A Game Reduce One’S MMR

What Exactly Did I Pay 30 € for?

Are You Blizzard Guys Mentally Alright?

For Sure? :wink:

  • Can’t Stats Anyone In Game

I believe many of those things mentioned at the top are coming. They announced they would not be a part of release.

The bugs are an issue though – however, with most games these days, the bug fixes happen after release – sad but true.

Lets see… I believe, what I see… If they fix the game, I am fine with it… But there are obviously a lot more things to fix, I just mentioned a few, coming right up my head…

I don’t understand, why Blizzard is not cooperating with guys like Neo / Remo (Back 2 Warcraft) and / or other established people in the WC 3 community, to make Reforge a success, a dignified replacement of ROC / TFT.

If Blizzard had cooperated with such people and merely implemented 5-10 amendments, Reforge would have already been a success.

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When will the new patch be released???
i want know if there is gona be
1 new menu
2 profiles
3 chat channels
4 custom games
5 better icons
6 better ladder system
7 clans!


I used to be able to play Classic WC3 fluently on max settings on an AMD Athlon64 3500+, 1GB RAM, Geforce6800GS. (all game modes)
No surprise there so far as the game is like 17 years old.

Obviously I also used to be able to play Classic WC3 fluently on max settings on an Core i7, 8B RAM, Geforce GTX860M. (all game modes)

I still use the i7 system but now I cannot play Classic WC3 fluently anymore on max settings, while a 12 y/old computer used to be able to.
The fps is going down and game is becoming laggy as soon as me and my opponent have like 40+ food and some spells going on.
All this while 4vs4 80 food armies used to play flawlessly on my old system.
And yes the latest videocard drivers are installed (on Windows 10).

The current game / infrastructure seems totally not optimized yet. It’s more like we are still in a BETA testphase.


Fix the Desync problem please. Can’t play Dota.