Warcraft III Version 1.32.1 Patch Notes

However, still no custom games vs AI offline nor custom campaigns

Well, along with now working solo MMR, that’s certainly some progress. How about proper 2on2 matchmaking as well?


Things which are still broken, and unnacceptable, which you ignored to do:

  • 4v4 map Banewood Bog, is broken, it kicks players after randomd aount of time, with note of certain error, can`t quote atm, but it is famous.

  • Online game Finder still randomly freezes after GAME FOUND, without proceeding, forcing players to ALT F4, very very annoying.

  • Lagging gameplay and main menu.

From my perspective mentioned points are still to be done asap, shocked by producers incopetence.

Other players doing other activities like campaign, custom games, reporting more bugs.

2GB pointless patch. Like someone here said putting a band aid on a decapitated person.


What we know so far.

  • Blizzard decided to release an unfinished version of wc3r.
  • 80% of their player base are ladder/competitive gamers just waiting for stats/profiles to come before we start playing the game.
  • 20% of their player base are lore/roleplay gamers.
  • These 20% so called lore/roleplay “gamers” whine the most on forums about cutscenes and other useless/worthless stuff.
  • They fix campaigns/custom games before they fix ladder/leaderboards/stats/profiles due to the fact that the lore gamers are whiny.
  • Whomever is running the devs/coders and making these important decisions should get fired.
  • Blizzard, start using brains again – Get the competitive scene running properly, then fix useless lore crap afterwards.

Go play the campaign in the 2011 version. You will see what he means.

He is exaggerating by saying AI doesnt’ send ANY attacks, they do send, but they send only half as many units, if that much, and rarely send heroes.

The only campaign mission which seems to have no issue with unit amounts or heroes (I think) are the only 3 maps they actually reforged, as in Dalaran, Silvermoon, and the Culling. The rest send almost no troops. And for various (mission-structure related) reasons, all 3 maps are way easier in Reforged. In the Culling, you only have to defend one side, BUT Mal’Ganis now for some reason uses Infernal, making it much harder to kill him (even trade all in all IMO as long as you don’t ignore MG). in Silvermoon it’s a joke because Silvermoon has almost no construction buildings, attacking Silvermoon is like attacking a 90/90 army. You also do not care if the runner gets through, because the waves they send at you are tiny. A few soldiers in a zeppelin and that’s it, except once where they sent an archmage with a few balistas and archers as they’re supposed to, I think it was the first attack.

It’s the most obvious in Twilight of the Gods. AI is supposed to send a hero every wave after a certain point, and then start sending two heroes at a time. The AI, from start to finish, only sends one hero every other wave, waves have HALF as many troops (documented, someone played TotG in an old version of the game and the reforged version, he had half as many unit kills and 1/4 as many hero kills)

This is true to some degree for all missions however, it’s just the most egregious for defense oriented mission. I did not lose a SINGLE unit in ANY northrend mission in the human campaign, except a few merceneries in the ships burning one. The human campaign is relatively easy other than mission 5 normally, but this was an absolute joke.

Mal’Ganis barely sends forces after you. In the last mission, you see his wave just chilling at the edge of your screen… standing still… not attacking… go play it and check it out… on the right hand corner of the screen as soon as you get control, edge of green army is just afk… from the moment I started until Arthas came back with Frostmourne, undead only attacked once, with barely any troops. They’re supposed to overwhelm you and leave your defense scattered.


Still no old voices for French people… Please bring back old ones, or at least give us an option to switch between old and new.
This would be great and will please all players.


Nice patch! The game is runnig better now, please keep to work on it! It is the right direction!

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Revert the Sepia change for Classic menu backgrounds. Who the heck thought that was a good idea on your dev team even if it’s temporary.


Same Problem. The Game won’t get past the screen where I am looking at that Lion thing. When I was offline, it would give me an error message, then let me click things. but the campaign wasn’t visible, and the custom games were even more broke then how totally broken they were before. I can’t even navigate folders now.

Very welcomed update :stuck_out_tongue: My main grief has been the Audio. Maybe i’m used to control like SC2 but the Effects are still so unbalanced. Why is the Unit response sound the loudest (&by a mile) at expense of the ever evolving game world?? I have to compromise my game world so i dont have “RIGHTO!”“RIGHT0!” at freakn 120db. xo

Sépia tone for classic. Even temporarily, is this a joke?


I never had the defeat screen using the release build, but with the new patch it randomly happens starting a campaign mission. :crazy_face:

loading time of missions increased a little bit.

seeing some performance drops (144fps-120fps-144fps-120fps) in certain situations that i didnt recognized before. (r9 3900x and rtx 2070 @1440p)



You and every other pushover that thumbed you up is an embarrassment.


Are you happy bullying others cause they speak a different language? At least he speaks another language. How many do you speak, sir? You can disagree with whatever he is saying but attacking his comment because of his proficiency in English is despiteful

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Wait…Why is another patch is downloading right now?..Now this,is what I call “Agressive patching”! Can’t wait to see some new changes!

I just watched Grubby’s review of this “patch”, I can see how hard he’s trying to stay neutral and loyal to this game, but that’s not easy.


As the other person said - You’re only making it worse! Let the devs fix everything!


Ok, troll, I’ll stop. Can u find some other place to express yourself? I mean you’re probably the only one here enjoying every word Blizz says.

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Are you sure man? This person ask about it too. Stop being toxic and spreading hate