Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes

Is this an out of season April fools joke?


Feels like you are intentionally trying to piss people off. No ladder, no profiles and you take all process away from people… (icons). One guy manage to make a functional ladder by himself. Why can’t you guys do it. Seriously blows my mind.


Is this an out of season April fools joke?

Still no ladder? Why can we not choose our server like we could in the 2002-2003 version of the game? I guess it’s Blizzards standard to force you to play with 250+ ms?


When will there already be a fix that will add the visual level shown to us in the demo version on Con 18!!?? When will you add that very visual post-processing! ?


still no ladder? blizzard is pathetic


Can we have a kekw video bout this patch? I think it had a lot of potential. Just as Reforged, if the creator doesnt mess it up like entirely. But who am I telling that… :slight_smile:

well…. for a short moment i got excited , but the patch does not do much for multiplayer. No stability fixes for desync Problems?


Eu lembro de vc, jogava de UD com a galera do Azeroth (clan Lone).

This is almost as important as everything else please!

What does “Reduced Violence updates” mean?

God i will be so mad to lose 1000 wins icons when I put times and effort just to get deleted by a patch.


Well said dude!

Blizzard has zero idea about what the community values and wants. They randomly prioritize issues such as how a female demon hunter looks (like… we don’t care?).

When are you going to focus on these issues:

– Massive lag added to bnet lately
– Ladder missing
– You disabled hostbots but did not improve cross-continent gameplay experiences. Why not enable hostbots? You don’t wish to invest a dime in better hosting, so at least leave the community crowdfund better hosting. A 5$ per month hostbot is better than your host, it’s hilarious and depressing at the same time.


no i think most ppl dont think that its just the ladder that is missing, i’d say more ppl play custom games than ranked and holy mother of azeroth do we miss a lot there…

Jesus where’s the goddmn ladder???


Ayy. More footprints changes. I like where this game is going.

Good news is that you can follow where the game is going with all the footprints!


Thank you for the patch, I am still waiting for more improvements before I decide to buy this game again, namely:

  • Ladder
  • Regional matchmaking
  • Closer parity to graphics presented during blizzcon 2018

Are the custom-campaigns back?

Or if they fixed the single player mode.

https:// ibb .co/W5VjnSb

Or it does not continue without walking.