With live hotfixes today, we’ve made several updates to the game, in addition to bugfixes.
Ranked Play
Seasons have been reduced from 12 months to 6 months.
MMR no longer displays in the loading screen for FFA Matches.
User Interface: Added headers to game modes.
- We’ve updated the backend services to prevent incorrect results being displayed. Players that have unexpected data displayed must complete a new game for the system to pick up the good data.
Player Profiles
Added support for all seasons and multiple-season history.
Added additional functionality to AT match history which will allow players to access more information.
Blademaster mirror image damage increased from 15% to 20%.
Blademaster mirror image XP is now capped at 30.
Immolation damage reduced from 8/12/18 to 7/12/18 (DPS: 14/24/36).
Immolation mana drain increased from 6 to 7.
Immolation activation cost reduced from 20 to 1.
Immolation buffer mana reduced from 10 to 9.
Anti-Magic Shell increased from 300 to 420 (increases number of dispels to remove from 2 to 3).
Fixed an issue where Destroyer’s dispel magic was not removing anti-magic shell.
Fixed an issue where workers would still have a repair rate reduction from liquid fire even after the debuff duration expired.
Fixed an issue where players cannot progress past act 2 on “The Founding of Durotar” campaign on Reforged mode.
Various maps in the map pool have been updated to the latest version.
Fixed an issue where “!stats” would show player names in FFA.
Fixed an issue where a player gets a loss instead of a win in ranked play.
Fixed an issue where the leaderboard does not update appropriately for RT.
Fixed an issue where a user who has accounts in multiple regions would show the incorrect amounts of wins and losses in the leaderboard.
Fixed an issue where placement matches would not record.
Fixed an issue where games would fail to process with an early leaver.
Fixed an issue where games would fail to process with AT vs RT with an early leaver.
Fixed an issue where 4v4 match history would show misaligned names.
Fixed an issue where the 2nd place FFA winner would still lose MMR and 4th place would gain MMR.
Fixed an issue where match history details were inaccurate.
Fixed an issue where Custom Campaign UI would sometimes remain on your screen in other game modes.
Fixed an issue where loading screen text would be misaligned.
Fixed a crash that happens when you exit a map with no description.
Fixed an issue where Player Profile Match History AT Filter not showing the correct info about your matches, or not showing you all of your matches.
Fixed an issue where the Versus Ranked Stats Widget displayed the incorrect information.
Added localization for text “Press Tab”.
Fixed an issue where map information missing from the player profile.
Fixed an issue where players were getting ranked after playing only 3 matches instead of 5.