Warcraft III: Reforged Hotfixes -- Updated December 20

With live hotfixes today, we’ve made several updates to the game, in addition to bugfixes.

Ranked Play

  • Seasons have been reduced from 12 months to 6 months.

  • MMR no longer displays in the loading screen for FFA Matches.

  • User Interface: Added headers to game modes.


  • We’ve updated the backend services to prevent incorrect results being displayed. Players that have unexpected data displayed must complete a new game for the system to pick up the good data.

Player Profiles

  • Added support for all seasons and multiple-season history.

  • Added additional functionality to AT match history which will allow players to access more information.


  • Blademaster mirror image damage increased from 15% to 20%.

  • Blademaster mirror image XP is now capped at 30.

  • Immolation damage reduced from 8/12/18 to 7/12/18 (DPS: 14/24/36).

  • Immolation mana drain increased from 6 to 7.

  • Immolation activation cost reduced from 20 to 1.

  • Immolation buffer mana reduced from 10 to 9.

  • Anti-Magic Shell increased from 300 to 420 (increases number of dispels to remove from 2 to 3).


  • Fixed an issue where Destroyer’s dispel magic was not removing anti-magic shell.

  • Fixed an issue where workers would still have a repair rate reduction from liquid fire even after the debuff duration expired.

  • Fixed an issue where players cannot progress past act 2 on “The Founding of Durotar” campaign on Reforged mode.

  • Various maps in the map pool have been updated to the latest version.

  • Fixed an issue where “!stats” would show player names in FFA.

  • Fixed an issue where a player gets a loss instead of a win in ranked play.

  • Fixed an issue where the leaderboard does not update appropriately for RT.

  • Fixed an issue where a user who has accounts in multiple regions would show the incorrect amounts of wins and losses in the leaderboard.

  • Fixed an issue where placement matches would not record.

  • Fixed an issue where games would fail to process with an early leaver.

  • Fixed an issue where games would fail to process with AT vs RT with an early leaver.

  • Fixed an issue where 4v4 match history would show misaligned names.

  • Fixed an issue where the 2nd place FFA winner would still lose MMR and 4th place would gain MMR.

  • Fixed an issue where match history details were inaccurate.

  • Fixed an issue where Custom Campaign UI would sometimes remain on your screen in other game modes.

  • Fixed an issue where loading screen text would be misaligned.

  • Fixed a crash that happens when you exit a map with no description.

  • Fixed an issue where Player Profile Match History AT Filter not showing the correct info about your matches, or not showing you all of your matches.

  • Fixed an issue where the Versus Ranked Stats Widget displayed the incorrect information.

  • Added localization for text “Press Tab”.

  • Fixed an issue where map information missing from the player profile.

  • Fixed an issue where players were getting ranked after playing only 3 matches instead of 5.