Warcraft - Chronicles of the Second War

How are they doing this when Warcraft 3 Reforged doesn’t even allow custom campaigns?


You can still load each map individually. The campaign is designed with self-contained missions so there is no need to carry items from one map over to the next. Although it’s a bit of manual work, it still plays cohesively as a campaign.

Man this is so interesting! So nice!

Blizzard should just start paying the fans.

Meh… no thanks. That sounds like a workaround that shouldn’t be necessary.

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This used to be the old way before TFT. Just put them in a folder and start like any custom map. It’s more of a hassle for developers as they have to copy every imported file and data for each map.

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It’s a hassle that should not exist anymore, period.

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its working fine so far

Help I can’t find any downolad subfolder in my Warcraft III directory.
Where do I put the maps?

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C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download

This is the path, but obviously you have to change the “YourUserName” by your real username that you have in your pc. Then ingame you can open the download folder and find your maps.

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It’s a frakking step backward! This workaround should not even be a thing anymore! The fact people feel the need to resort to it and even DEFEND it… god… look, I’ll admit that I too have no hope for Blizzard ever finishing this game but maybe that is why we should scour the Internet for every working previous version we can get our hands on and just make mods for pre-1.32 clients instead.

No one’s defending it.

You asked how we’re making this campaign playable without custom campaign feature and I answered your question. Everyone’s just talking about how to get it to work.

Is it unacceptable that Reforged doesn’t have Custom Campaigns? Sure! But if you can’t be assed to load a few maps then it isn’t anyone else’s problem, just your own. It isn’t our fault you can’t load maps without a custom campaign feature.


What really sucks is that loading maps forces you online.

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My phrasing might have been a bit soft but my intention wasn’t to defend it. Just stating how custom campaigns are still possible, only a bit more annoying to set up for users.

I have never bought Reforged as I woul not be able to maintain my own custom campaigns.


I’m really hyped by this ! But I preferer waiting until custom campaign go live

can we leave the negativity of reforged out of this thread? theres plenty of other threads full of complaints…

the work that has been put into this “4 map demo” is just the beginning of what will eventually be an amazing creation, and Im sure plenty of different people will eventually create different forms of custom campaigns, such as this or the Re-reforged project, or the co-op campaign

by the way, the co-op campaign which has been around like 15 years never needed the “custom campaign feature” it works just fine by playing each level of the campaign through the custom games maps list and it even has the ability to carry your progress from level to level, it was always like that and it was never a problem for anybody

i think water units can be fun if they are used in the proper way, unfortunately the old wc2 map design is quite dull and generic (not saying that about the creators of this mod) personally i love wc2 and i actually think the original artstyle is amazing, i wish they could mimic the original artstyle more in the wc3 map editor, but either way this mod is still a great asset to our community and Im sure in the next couple years we will see this grow into something epic!


This is what a Remaster should be.

Listen to fans and Actually care Blizzard. Make improvements and better quality than what you did with reforged.

I hope the moders who made this becomes successful and maybe just maybe Blizzard might finally get it and do better. I just worry for the future of Blizzard Games with the way it is going now.


Hello ,
Any progress on this noble project?
Best regards ,

We are very active on Discord and update progress every few days in our showcase there.



Hello ,

I watched the trailer for Chronicles of the Second War - Teaser II where you introduced the orc clans.
They look brilliant. Terrible. At the same time powerful. Great voices. Armor. We imagine such orcs.
There is a dark atmosphere in them. Each clan is separate. Different types of skins. Weapons show great work done.
Such details really enjoy. It would be fantastic to see each powerful chief of a given clan with a new look.
Kilrogg Deadeye, Durotana, Blackhand, Kargatha Bladefista, Zuluhed Whacked, Gul’dan, Orgrim Doomhammer, Grom Hellscream.
Amazing what?

We have been waiting for such a miracle for over 20 years. We feel a thrill. Let us thank you for your efforts. work with passion :slight_smile:

With all the respect
Best regards ,

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