Warcraft 3 reforge map mb limit

I believe that the team behind Warcraft reforge didn’t have time to finish the game and then after the backlash blizzard just keeps a blind eye as that the game doesn’t exist. Yes i also hold a small basket that blizzard will update for example the map-editor or lift the mb barrier as i also have the feeling that the game is left to die yet i hope that they eventually see their errors through our works. Look at what other teams in Hive-workshop are doing. Quenching is a massive success for the graphical update of the game, InsaneMonster with his re-reforged campaign made the game way better, the WC2 team are making Warcraft 2 campaign in reforged and it looks amazing… That’s the reason that i, together with Darious, are making the Age of Warcraft project and bring the multi-race option. If Blizzard doesn’t answer then someone can find a solution to bypass this problem. My point is that if we leave the game as it is it will surely die and it’s something that the game doesn’t deserve.

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Remember that we all have 26GB of junk installed, so I guess it’s should be fair if we give the same amount of junk back…

I never stopped seeing the success of Warcraft 3 for the community, but i have negative faith, not zero, negative faith, trust, or any form of affection for Blizzard. they should dis-own War3 and make its code open source.

I have a few opinions on what you mentioned, i don’t really like Quenching tbh, it turns w3 into some gritty Warhammer 40K like graphics. not my taste.

You point out the “hottest” new people around, there have been many great success stories in the W3 Community. my only sadness is that some people don’t seem to remember the heroic projects people did pre Reforged. places like WoWhead never bothered to mention some of our BEST classic custom campaigns but because they’re probably shills, elitiest or just bought by Blizzard they mention “Reforged HD” projects.

As long as this elitism exists i have zero respect for any of them. obfuscation on the other hand is Blizzards professional duty towards WarIII.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, i think that pre-reforged era was the era that sparked the new projects that i mentioned and reforge as a whole yet those are also not the only projects that are being made too. You can always see mods like nirvana or Warcraft Rebirth to understand that this community has a long history of modding. I by have a decade of modding various games yet blizzard games are the most difficult to work around. Either-way i still hope that we can at least get that minor feature if possible.

To WinterDryad, the irony is that our maps are not junk but they would give a minor spark of replayability to the game…

I know, but it seems like they see it differently…


If that is “junk” then you do not need 512 MB maps or larger since you are playing classic and 256 MB of classic assets is nearly enough to double the amount of assets.

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If that is not, so you don’t need the limit :wink:

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