Unable to AT with two or three on 4v4

This patch is breaking my heart :broken_heart: I loved coming on bnet seeing one or two of my friends and getting in a at where I knew I would have atleast two reliable or three reliable people to have a good game. I can see why they did it to protect from mmr boosting but there has to be another way to do this without penalizing people who at with only two or three, Most of the time itโ€™s hard to get a full AT with 4 people even with discord, please fix this you guys are breaking my heart. This is the only problem I have with the new patches the maps are great a great relief to have new maps to play. I appreciate that this game is still working after so long it is very nostalgic to me but please fix this patch.


Please hotfix it asap really troubling players

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Agreed - please help