Tonight We Dinne In Hell Spartans!

You know i was thinking EU and USA time not same, so i believe we will have news from blizz actually late night today or when you wake up Wednesday !



no offense bro but you’re becoming weirder with time.

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I was speaking of next wednsday when you wake up, not this wednsday :slight_smile:

okay, but that’s still a weird way of speaking

Maybe…I was hyped…

Bon appétit, messieurs.

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I am worried now. Lets wait next wendsday…

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eh bien, merci mon gars

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Lol french people on my thread making jokes, while i am dying to see any type of news : WE, patch, at least critter screenshots -.-

Bon appétit, messieurs.

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chill man, me too i’m stalking this forum for news.

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I was joking ofc , but about news i dont joke anymore i am worried deeply…

Lets say hm 2nd march is like full 4 months since demo…Lets say we get WE,PATCH 2.0 integration etc

Then beta at 2nd may ( 6 monhts since demo ok ?)

What do you think ?


non parlez-vous francais

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You can do it,tell us when. Just put word “i predict” on the table , you will not break a blizz agreement of silence rule .

I am waiting

Je prédis que vous ne ferez pas de l’ingénierie inverse dans un traducteur pour voir ce que je dis.

moi j’aime bien l’omelette…

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Bon appétit, messieurs et bonne nuit

Vivre la révolution et la france !


Je vais me tromper dans le noir avec une supposition et dire que vous ne l’êtes pas, alors. Surtout avec la façon dont vous continuez à mal épeler “monsieur” aussi.

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Graphiques que vous pleureriez de voir dans World of Warcraft

Bonne Nuit l’omelette

X_Lorne Kwechansky on Instagram: "Suramar fly over test render #worldofwarcraft"

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ouais c’est plutôt joli

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The forums is where the WoW devs go to find inspiration for the Old Gods.