Thoughts on Undead as of

Overall alot of improvements have been made since Undead release but there are still some issues persisting:

  • Banshee shield isn’t on target, it floats off-center

  • Upgrading ziggurat makes the building go into build animation again

  • Gargoyles need to be the same size as their stone form (good change btw)

  • Crypt Lord impale doesn’t life units off ground (animation issue)

  • Crypt Lord new ulti is a step into the right direction but its still ugly :frowning:

  • Building scaling size could still use some work

  • Obsidian Statue restore ability has a too big effect animation (especially in 4v4)

  • Dreadlord Ulti needs some more work

  • Lich Ulti needs work same with his first

  • DK ulti doesn’t look like a reanimate it looks like a summon (plz re-do)

Overall good changes especially to fiends, looking forward to the next 5+ weeks.


Liven up the blight eh?


More effects? Original had spirits in it or green glow of pestilence and plague/death


green glow is present

My concern is that statue heal effect is too big

Imo, Gargoyle wings are still too small and bat-like. Abom could still be slightly bigger too. Skeleton and Ghoul still need more differentiation. Just make Ghouls more peach and Skeletons more white, so everything doesn’t blend together as the same. Everything you said as well. Coil and Nova look great now, that was the biggest change I saw in this iteration.


It all still needs alot of work. Abom are good imo just a bit dark they need to be more pale

They seemed bigger in this patch though, right? Yeah, they are probably fine now if so.

Which patch? There hasn’t been a patch since elf release.