You seem to misunderstand something. Dota 2 Is it’s own game Completely coded from scratch. With features specific to a Moba. Reconnection features ect.
Have you played Dota? i have. I never liked it not in it’s map/mod form in Warcraft or it’s Valve Form. Also Dota 2 Is nothing like The Warcraft 3 map Dota.
The characters dosn’t look the same. Dosn’t play the same. Dosn’t have the same names.
They played with a Car toy and thought “Hey we can do better on our own”.
And yes it WAS a hobby. Then they made it into a job? How awesome is that. having your hobby as a job.
They did not steal anything from Blizzard. They do not use Blizzards Engine. They do not use Blizzards heroes. But Blizzard would really like that. they would really REALLY LIKE IT!.
Like the creep standing in the back staring at the prom.
If your creativity even touches ANYTHING Blizzard! They want a peice of the cake.
Those “Rats” as you call them. Invented new characters with backstories. Did blizzard have anything with the creation of those characters? No. Nothing besides the editor they made freely available because back then Blizzard was run BY gamers FOR gamers! But not now. Now they are a company with shareholders. And if you even look at them they are going to make you pay for looking.