They're working on UI and fixing stuff,guys!

There’s no need to change engine - Demo was made with it. The reason they didn’t make it is Resources,Focuses,Money,Deadline and Wish of Purists

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I don’t care about demo. I want new engine, unlimited grouping, good optimization and no bugs and crashes. From all above probably only bug fix is more or less realistic cause everything else is What’s done is done.

They said there will be Unlimited grouping will be removed only for custom maps,because othervise that will ruin a whole point of the game

Optimization and bugs will be fixed,that’s obvious

They also said Reforged was going to be good. Could they be lying to us instead?

Reforged is good

Nah, it’s total poop, mate.


Unlimited grouping will just change balance. Game won’t change entirety. None needs it in customs.

Game will change entirely. Example:
What’s the point of strategy or hotkeys,if you can build a wholesome huge army and rush the enemy base,by just spaming units?
An entire WC3 was build to match this 12 Units limitation
If you remove the limitation - You will break the game logic and it’s level design


In sc2 it’s not a problem. U use multiple hotkeys to control your units while u unite them all in one group.

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Again - The whole point of game is 12 Units selection. Some skilled players can learn how to use bigger armies with hot keys,but if you remove this limitation entirely from game - a whole point of most of the maps and missions will be lost
Why you need to think,to care about healing or control if you can just rush a hundred of units on enemy base like a giant unstopobale wave of destruction?

U defenetly don’t undestand that group of 12+8 is same as group of 20 models. This doesn’t change anything. Except number of hotkeys u need.

To control 12+8,10+10+10,12+12+12+12 you need to be skilled player
But with remove - You can choose all at once and just rush,without any strategy or skill
It’s good - but only as a custom game mode
Not as actual campaign mechanic

U are dummy right ? In sc2 or any other RTS not a single average or pro player A click his opponent. Please stop talking nonsense. U have no clue about things u talk.

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Sc2 came out AFTER WC3 and it’s campaign was created for it’s mechanics

I guess МракоРыцарь is a bait troll to make the remaining whiteknights look even more stupid, keep it up dude.


Great! Since the price is not 5 , what are you still doing here?

The problem is that even if people refund they are still forced to stay in the game because now is only reforged so even the Classic player are forced to this mess. So your argument about “go refund and never come back” lack the fact that a lot of player are not even reforged buyer and simply classic player.


Open vocabulary and translate my text. U won’t have hundreds of units. U will have same amount as it is but in one group that is more comfortable than it is now. U arguing not even understanding what’s is written

They don’t decerve a place in WC3 fanbase anyway,so if they are too inpatient to wait for a client - It’s their fault

U better apologize for your words.