They should add icons that change color based on controlling player

wrong, i just tested it and you can specify colors in melee.

proof of screenshot?

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just test it out yourself. it took me possible less than a minute.

you mean you can set it to red/blue but thats it


Oh so you mean, online matches…
You can specify aswell unless selected quick match

The words have no meaning.

Have you never played strategy games before? Only warcraft? Lol
If they have no meaning for you I invite you to expand your vocabulary…

this have gone way off topic. let us get back to the subject: that is icons matching the color of the player they belong to. it is a function present in warcaft 2 but for some reason it is absent in warcraft 3.

I never thought about that, but I think Advanced Tooltips like the way they work in HOTS would be fantastic in WC3.

The more I know about how spells work, the better I can learn and adapt inside the game instead of doing some outside research.

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Do you call Hu, Or, Ud and Ne factions? Or do you call them races as any normal Warcrafter does?

Skirmish equals = melee ladder

That’s most basic thing in a strategy game

It’s a technical word…
(I’m guessing synonymes are just new for some people)

Not all people here are English speakers either. Skirmish is a word I rarely hear outside NA, honestly.


i am an english speaker but, i live in norway and rarely have a chance to speak it. i had english grammar at school but, i guess i was not really paying much attention.

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That I can understand althou I’ve seen it in every other rts I’ve played…
Anyways… I’ve always used gray for my online and offline melee ladders.

Unironically, I thought that skirmish is customs. So I was even wrong. And was not just arguing over semantics.

Does BfME even have custom games, however?

And you are wrong. You cannot change your colour on ladder/matchmaker.

I’m Russian, but I capitalize the words and put commas. And don’t use such alien words as skirmish or faction.


i do use commas and punctuation to tell people where a sentence ends.

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It’d be a cute detail that I wouldn’t mind them adding.

This is the first time in my 16 years of Frozen Throne and 17 years of Reign of Chaos I have ever seen someone use “skirmish” or “quick match” in regards to ladder and customs.

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skirmish = unranked or custom and may include AI

quick match = one single click throws you into a game aka matchmaking

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He is talking about the unit icons, in WC2 player color afected not only the units but their icons as well.
Red player with red units and red themed icons:
Blue player with blue units and blue themed icons:

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Custom Game(s) include(s) melee.

Ladder=melee with that known exception.

There is no skirmish word in Warcraft III related to melee or other type of gameplay.

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